Chapter:- 14

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A champion is defined
not by their wins,
but by how they can
recover when they fail.

-Serena Williams


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Your POV,

My alarm ringed but I didn't want to get up. So I lazily told it to shut up even though it was of no use.

As seconds passed, the noise got louder and louder and I sinked into my pillows and blanket deeper and deeper.

Finally I heard the door opening with a bang and someone comes in and turns off my alarm.

I don't bother to look up because I know that it's either May or Jelly.

"If you don't plan on to wake up, why even put the alarm on?" I hear Jelly's voice speak.

"Shut up. It's not like you don't do the same," I say in my sleepy tone.

"Well, atleast I bother to turn it off so it doesn't trouble anyone else."

"Whatever..." I mumble. I didn't open my eyes but I can tell that Jelly rolled her eyes.

I then hear her walk back to the door.
"I'll come and call you after 15 minutes," she says before closing the door and I go back to sleep.

A moment later, I feel someone shouting in my ear while shaking me, "Wake up! C'mon!"

"You said you'll be back after 15 minutes." I mumble, snuggling into my blanket.

"I did. But you told me to come back after an hour and now here I am. Now get up!" Jelly pulls off the blanket from on top of me, making me groan.

"Now get up. We're having breakfast outside. So get ready," she says before going out of the room.

I continue to lay in my bed for a moment or two before finally getting up and going to the washroom to freshen up and take a quick shower.


After returning home, all of us decide to take showers.
Since today was a Sunday, we had already woken up late. And by the time we finished our showerings, it was already time for lunch.

Yesterday Jimin texted me the address of the arcade and it's not very far away from our place.
We decided to meet at 2:00pm and it was 12:00pm now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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