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Please reread chapter 1 because I've changed it.

Song has nothing to do with the chapter just like it.

I walked into the bathroom looked at myself and I screamed i knew i could Dad was at work no one could hear me and even if they did they wouldn't care. They'd ignore me like usual.

Everyone's voices came back into my head

You should kill yourself
You're nothing. No one. Never will be.
You're disgusting.
You'll never be loved.
Oh my god if I were you I'd kill myself.
Never be good at anything.
You killed your mom.
Your dad hates you.
I hate you.

I look into the mirror fully sobbing now, hot tears trickling down my face. My eyes looked so glossy. That was the only part of my that I can say looks beautiful.

'How did it get like this?'

'Why am I so weak?'

'I hate myself I can't do this anymore!'

That's why they kicked me out of the pack because I'm weak. I can't help but look at myself and see a monster staring back at me. I know they say they don't blame me for what happened but they're actions prove other wise.

I ran into my room and took at the sleeping pills I got after the notsigune (wrong spelling sorry) and the bottle of vodka I'd stashed under my bed.

One by one I downed the pills soon enough taking mouthfuls. I left a letter for dad on the kitchen table, the pack in their lockers, Derek's in his car and a phone call to my friends in Florida.

I sighed heavily wiping my tears as i walked into the bathtub of boiling water. It hurt for a minute than the pain faded and I started getting tired.
No backing out now.

Once i got comfortable I put the blade to my skin and ripped through it watching the blood flow, running down my arm into the tub. It was so calming seeing the blood ouse out running down my arm turning the water in a deep red color.
Soon enough the whole bath tub was full with blood.
I'm so tired.
I'm sorry dad. Sorry this will be You're last memory.

I closed my eyes and smiled. "It's finally over".

Meanwhile at the loft.

"Guys I don't think we should have kicked him out."
"Lydia this is to keep him safe."
"Yeah he's a human. He can die easily. I wouldn't be able to live if I knew it was my fault stiles got hurt or worse DIED."
"Scott I know but his face was... he was hurt. We shouldn't of let him go."
"Lydia come on we had to..."
" Excuse me I need to go to the restroom!"
"Leave her. Just give her time. Give us time."

It wasn't long until Lydia came down from the bathroom tears streaming down her face ignoring all the 'what's wrong's and are you ok?' She ran straight out the door the pack following closely behind stopping staring at stiles house in realization.

Soon enough she dropped to the floor her head tilted back forcefully and screamed a blood curdling scream making out stiles name.

Everyone ran into the house to see the sheriff holding his dead son trying to pull him out of the bath of horrors trying to stop the blood still pouring from his arms.

Everyone watched in pain as the person they tried to protect from the big bad world need protection from himself.

(Sheriff lands home Stiles is not dead yet)

Sheriff POV

"Stiles. Stiles! Stiles?"

I called out for him normally around this time he'd be cooking grass but no he's no in there. Maybe he's at Scott. I'm gonna enjoy this order a pizza even though when he comes back he'll kill me I have an excuse.

Drip Drip Drip

I'm so tired I'm hearing things I really need to sleep. Eat first. Gosh that was a long shift. So stressful.

As I was getting the phone thrown on the kitchen table I was a note with DAD written on it. I opened it up expecting to see something silly or don't work so hard or something but that's not what I got.

As I read the letter I realized what it was saying I shouted for him. I ran straight into the bathroom and saw the empty pills and vodka bottles on the floor and my baby boy in a bath tub of blood. He was still awake barely silent tears falling down his face. They only seemed to increase as he seen me running over to him trying to pull him out and ask him why tears in my eyes too.

He whispered to me "Dad I love you. And I'm sorry. You're everything to me. I'm sorry this is You're last memory of me. I've thought about this for so long the only thing stopping me was the pack.... don't cry for me please. I-I love you. I'm gonna be with mom now."

I heard him whisper one final thing his last words "it's finally over"

I just held him close rocking him as his body went limp just like I did with Claudia. I've got no one now.

I'm so fucking lazy but don't worry klaus comes in soon.

I'm first FanFiction so I know it may be cringe but I'm trying to get better.

Thank you for reading 😘

Written on March1st 2019

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