Chapter 1 (changed)

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I've rewritten this chapter as I didn't like what I did before and honestly didn't know where to go with it. So reread the first chapter and then proceed with this.

Third POV

"Welcome to mystic falls. Lydia is this some type of ghost town? Why mystic?"

"What the hell are you taking about?"

"I don't know. The name... I don't like it. Sounds like there's gonna be supernatural here."

Looking over to her left she sees a worried looking stiles, bandages still around his wrists, holding his phone pretending to 'read' but she can really see how distracted he his by thinking they'll be involved with a pack again.

"Listen. Everything's gonna be fine. We're gonna be fine. No supernatural and if by chance there is we can just move. You don't have to worry. Ok?"

Sighing heavily he puts his phone down and looks to the strawberry blonde. Deciding what to say eventually he just blurts out what he was thinking.

"Thanks. I know you had to leave everyone and if you want to go back I'll be ok. I've got my cousin here. I also know you only came because dad's worried I would 'do it' again."

"Wow where did that come from?"

Sighing again he slid down his seat a little turned his head to the side to look out at the passing trees wondering what he's life was gonna be like.

Did his cousin know what he did? Why he did it? Did they think he was a freak?

Time skip to the house

"This is a nice place."

"Founding family."

Stiles nervously walked to the door knocking slightly only to reveal a blonde woman around his age with a smile that looked wayyyy too happy.

"Stiles! Long time. Mom said you'd be coming."

Looking over his shoulder she saw a red head and smiled happily.


"Oh GOD no! Like she's pretty No. Friends only."

Smiling a little she invited both in and led them to their bedrooms.

"I'll let you both unpack but when you're done come over to the grill and meet some friends of mine. Ok." More a statement than a question she turned on her heel and left leaving stiles in the hallway wondering what the hell.

After a painful unpacking he knocked on Lydias door to tell her what Caroline said only to have her shout out. "I heard stiles. I'll be there soon. I need to make a good impression. Wanna help me pick an outfit."

"No I know how long you take I'll just start walking there myself. I need to buy something anyway so I'll stop by a shop."

"Alright see you in a bit."

Turning away from the closed door he walked down the stairs and outside the front door gently closing it. He knew how this neighborhood was.

Not too long of a walk and he started to feel tired. It was probably the meds he was on but he sat down for a minute only to find someone staring at him. Actually 3 people staring at him.

And now they're walking over.

"You ok?"


"I'm Rebecca. You look really tired. Like you've been drained of blood. Do you want a lift?"

"I think the wound had opened."

Klaus stepped forward looking at the boy he can only describe as beautiful. Magnificent. The guy he's painted. The guy he's been dreaming about (literally he dreamed of stiles) since before he was a vampire.

Biting his wrist he pushed his wrist into the midst of the now unconscious boy making him drink his blood.

"He's the one isn't he brother?"


Looking down at him he knew he'd do whatever to make him his.

"Open the car door." Carrying him bridal style he put him in the back and at with him until they reached his mansion.

Meanwhile at THE GRILL.

"Stiles said he'd be here by now. What's going on. Gosh I should've hurried up. What's wrong with me? I'm supposed to be looking after him."

"It's ok. He's a big boy he can handle himself."

"Damon shut up you idiot!"

"No he's hurt. He.....he wanted to tell you himself but he tried to milk himself. He actually succeeded but thankfully he was resuscitated."

"Alright spread out and look around he couldn't have gone far."

Back at the mansion cuz I'm a lazy bitch.

"Why's he taking so long to wake up?"

"Leave brother to this. I'm sure he wants to be left alone for a while."

"Alright. I'm hungry anyway."

After a while stiles started stirring and as fast as lightning from his spot in front of the fire place he was right beside his bed.

He didn't wanna get too close as the startle the boy but close enough to know someone's there.

"Hello love."

Right so I changed it. I didn't know what to do with a historical setting. So for those who like it I'm really really sorry. Next chapter will mostly be klaus and stiles.

Also should I pair Lydia with someone either Elijah, Kol or Damon?

Sorry for the absolute cringe cringe cringe. Sorry.

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