I met a superhero

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Part 1

"Hello love."

Stiles slowly sat up reaching for his phone that was too far away to grab. He wasn't afraid though. That would mean he was afraid to die which he obviously wasn't.

"Is this what you want?" Stiles didn't answer him just nodded his head and grabbed the phone from the mans hand, holding it close to his chest.

"Where am I? Who are you? What happened?"

"I found you hurt and brought you here figured you didn't want a hospital. As for who I am my name is Klaus. What happened? Only you can answer that."

Sighing he looked to his lap playing with a loose string on the knee of his ripped jeans.

"I think you know what I did. It's just not healing great. Heavy duty shit. Even holding my phone is hard sometimes."

"May I?" Gesturing to the space beside him.

"Yeah. It's your house."

"Right now I'm just a stranger but I hope we can be friends. I promise I'm not gonna hurt you."

"I know. We can be friends but I do have to ask why do you want to be my friends. Normally I'm just the side never the main. Does that make sense?"

"I have a sister and 3 brothers. I'm used to being the one people blame. I don't help my case but I get it."

Snorting lightly he dips his head back and just stares at the ceiling Klaus following suit.

"I didn't either. Help my case I mean. After my mom died I did what I wanted. I had no one so I guess I was a cry for attention. So one day me and a friend went looking for a dead body. Story for another day. Anyway shit happened. Made a load of fake friends. And yeah that's why I did this."

Holding up his arm pointing at the bandages.

"They didn't want to around them. After all I sacrificed all I did for them. (Sniffles) I mean I'm hurt but I've still got Lydia."

The mood changed a little at that Klaus looking into his eyes when asking if she was he's girlfriend to which he replied how he replied earlier. A big fat no. Great girl just no. And somehow Klaus seemed happier but stiles didn't really pick up in it.

"I used to play the guitar." Why would I say that he didn't ask.

"You didn't ask. Sorry."

"No don't be. I paint." Stiles eyes widened at that. He loved art. Couldn't draw for the life of him though.

"Whoa. Will you paint me one day and when my wrists get better I'll play a song for you."


The conversation stopped for a little while. Maybe around 10/15 minutes but no ones counting. The presence of someone there no judging was nice.

"I have something that will help you heal. Do you want it?"

"Yes." Taking his hands in his he holds them for a minute. "Don't get scared. Please."

It all happened so fast. He was drinking blood and his wrists were closing shut.

When Klaus pulled back he expected to see horror on stiles face but he didn't he saw amazement and wonder.

"That's cool. So you're like a vampire right."

Klaus gave him a look of how'd you know the first time.

"Eyes. Blood. I know. I research."

"Of course. We can still be friends right?"

"Yes of course. Thanks for this." Holding up his wrist yet again but this time there was no pain.

Undoing the bandages didn't cause pain like they normally do and when he had them off all that was left was a little dry blood.

The wound had completely closed all that was left was the scars one each side. Evidence of what he did. Forever written on his skin.

"I'll have these forever."

"Wanna get some food?" Stiles quickly stood up and checked the time.

"Oh no...I have to meet my cousin and her friends and my friend."

He put his hand on his shoulder gently to calm him down a little.

"I'll drive you. The grill right."

"Yeah how'd you know?"

"Only dining place here."


"Here give me your number. I'll paint you and you can play me a song at the end of the week. Fair?"

"Sounds cool. Here."

"Ok done. I'll call you tonight. Before you're cousin kills me we should hurry."

"I dread to think what she'll say to me. Can you not tell her why happened today though. I haven't...I ummmm....I don't want to worry her."

"That's fine."


Part 2 soon.

Thank you for reading and voting and commenting it means a lot to me. 💛

Please stay safe during this quarantine.

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