36 hours

148 7 1

Alicia's POV

      they took her they actually took her why? is what I keep asking myself why not me? I mean I died for Christ sake in the past I know but why didn't they take me oh those people are called the collective (A/N see what I did there mass effect Andromeda reference)  I only have 36 hours to bring her back or I'll turn myself in oh and Jesse and I will not wait for that moment god i'm so stupid.

'why did you let her out of your site'

'i didn't jesse i promise i didn't ok'

' then what happened?'

'well you see that is the hard part because I don't know I was drugged before was taken I blacked out and when I woke Clarke was gone Jesse we have to find her'

'we will' or so she thought because we couldn't because oh my god it's a apocalypse and we have no internet duh jesse

'don't be so sure about that'

'you say something'


'weird I thought i heard something'


I need to get clarke back and there is only one way that happens is if i turn myself in i'm so sorry but this is going to happen and nobody is going to stop me.

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