Earth 38

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A/N Jesse is going to explain supergirl aka kara and Alex, and how she got her powers in detail.

Kara's POV

"Hey Alex?" 'Yes Kara' "Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched" 'No.Why?' "Well cause here comes Jess" 'what?' "Yep. Why do you think she's here" 'I don-' whoosh. hey guys "hey jess" 'Jessica' Alexandra "ok you two enough get over the past." But I know they wont forgive each other like always "so jess why are you here" because Clarke and earth 41 need your help well supergirl help. "Wait whose that behind you?" I'm Alicia, Alicia Clark. "Oh cool. Alex can I talk to you a minute please" 'Sure' in the D.E.O training room "that was awkward" 'you're telling me I thought I would never see my ex ever again or did I forget to mention your biological sister from krypton' " I know me too but we have to help them. If you don't do it for jess then do it for me please" 'Ok I'll do it for you and only you because I love you and care about you unlike her' "well start caring and loving jess because if you don't I will heat vision you and let her super punch you" 'ok deal' Back in the cortex of the D.E.O "ok lead the way" wait seriously.. how did you convince Alex.  "I threatened her with her with my heart vision, and I happen to be very persuasive." As soon as we get to earth 41 I'm shocked to see the that Clarke successfully made the zombie cure but I still want to know how jess became a speedster. "Hey Jess?" Yes Kara. "How did you become a speedster like barry? You're from krypton you already have super speed" do remember how the virus started on this earth. "Yeah" well when S.T.A.R. Labs blew up I was working on my car and I was touching the spark plug under the hood and the dark matter collided with my kryptonian ones and enhanced my super speed. Then I was in a coma like Barry for less time it was 4 months instead of 9 only because i'm a kryptonian. "Well that is cool but awful" hey jess what is krypton? It's the planet I'm from Alicia oh ok cool oh one more thing supergirl? Oh that is the name her people gave her but the S does not stand for super it stands for our family's coat of arms in other words it's our family's symbol. Cool kara how are you and jess biological siblings when you're from two different  earths. "We weren't originally we are both from earth 38 but she ran away from home when we were kids well when we landed on earth and she ended up running through a portal and then grew up here but she did visit me occasionally and her and Alex became close for a couple of months though we thought she was dead" Well now I know where she got her will to save the world. Is she like a superhero on your earth? "Yes she is she is the flash on earth 38 but her symbol looks just like mine but with a lightning bolt through."  That is what I thought thank you for making her what she is. "No problem now let's figure a way to save Clarke and get rid of the collective."


A/N let me know what you think in the comments and how they should stop the collective and how kara and Alex should explain why they need the same thing in return on e-38 word count 611

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