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Lorelei was supposed to be a witness for the people of Sun's Peak's testimonies, however she was sleeping so I went for her.

We were sitting in a gray room. Person after person poured in and gave their testimonies. It went a little like this.

It was about 0700 when I got up. I got ready and went to work. I spent about 30 minutes working when we heard alarms start to go off from the ship. Panic swept through the camp. We are running in all directions. Then the bombs fall and explode on impact. Screams go through the air. The blast knocks us off our feet and we pick ourselves up and run because we fear if we don't we will die.

We run for cover towards the woods. We watch as our hard work burns to the ground and through the smoke we still see the ship standing as steady as it had been 600 years ago.

I guess they were patriotic people or something.

We wondered the woods searching for people. Finally we found Tatia and her people and joined their camp. When people were brave enough they went back to the ship and took a bunch of stuff from it and came back with rovers and food and other stuff. I don't know what happened but suddenly Alivia couldn't handle it out there and she begged Tatia to come here. Tatia didn't budge for a while. We stayed for a few more days but we started to go missing. Tatia got worried and she started acting strange for a while. It was strange. Her eyes got super red and she had weird kind of claw marks maybe on her neck. We couldn't understand what was going on with her.

She just wasn't really working out with us. We told her she wasn't meant for leadership and she should just take a week but she didn't listen to us and she- the next time we saw her her throat was cut out. Many people suspected foul play but her fingerprints were on the knife. Alivia stepped in and couldn't pack us out of there faster. We drove faster than we should have and we almost crashed a few times but we didn't die so I think I that's a win. Anyway we got here and honestly I am kind of scared of these people. Sorry I don't mean it like that Elijah but they were going to shoot us if you hadn't have stepped in. Oh Lorelei stepped in too? Good for her.

Anyway It makes me wonder why they didn't tell us that they got bombed. I understand that it's a touchy subject but still. They didn't tell us they've been bombed. Finally I got down witnessing. I was hoping someone would notice something off about this story. Like how Alivia was talking with Indiana everyday and somehow the fact that they were living in the woods didn't come up. They didn't notice anything and we were free to leave. I went to go to the main room. I saw Lorelei sitting on the table with a little three year old climbing on her metal leg. He had the look of pure adoration in his eyes as he looked up at her. I came and sat next to her. She looked at me and smiled. The kid looked at me too and smiled.

"Why do you have a silver leg?" He asks her.

She laughs.

"I need my silver leg to walk," She replies to him.

"Where did your real leg go?"

"The doctors had to replace it because I got hurt real bad. They couldn't save it," I told him.

I get what she's doing. My mom made me read this pamphlet on parenting back when I babysat. It said that you should always be honest with the child. It gives them good habits to look up to. I smile at her.

"You are really good with kids," I tell her.

She smiles down at the toddler sleeping in her arms.

"Yeah I guess," She tells me.

"Do you ever think about having kids?" I ask.

"Elijah we are 15," She says laughing shakily.

"No not right now but in the future," I laugh.

"When I find the right guy I will marry him and if he wants kids that can definitely be a part of our future," She tells me.

I smile at her. In this moment I knew that she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

"Should we find his parents?" I ask.

"Maybe that's a good idea."

We stop an adult that walks near us.

"Hey do you know who this boy's parents are or where to find them?" I ask him.

"You don't know? His parents died in the fire." He replies.

"Oh. I'm so sorry." I tell him.

"Although you two might be good foster parents. It's obvious he likes you or he wouldn't have stayed for so long," He tells Lorelei.

"I don't know," She says.

I kind of like this idea. Who better than Lorelei to foster this child. Actually I can name a few but it would be a good thing for her. It would be good practice.

We go and sit on Lorelei's mat.

"I think you should do it," I tell her.

"What? No. Elijah I'm only fifteen. I can't take care of a child." She laughs.

"Lorelei you took care of a whole colony. At fifteen! You can definitely foster a child," I tell her.

"I did do that didn't I."

She ponders for a while.

"What happens when I can't get away from work?" I ask.

"I will watch him."

"You will?"

"Yeah. Anything to help you, I will do," I tell her.

She smiles at me.

"I love you," She mouths.

I hug her. I get up.

"I'm going to see what his name is," I tell her.

I ask around. No one knows anything. Finally I give up and return to Lorelei.

"I couldn't find anything. So I guess we can name him," I tell her.

She smiles. This is almost like having a baby. She thinks about it for a minute.

"How about Eden. I've always liked that name," She tells me.

Eden. That is the name of the angel of Lorelei's foster son.

"Wait where will Eden sleep?" Lorelei asks me.

I think for a minute and then get an idea. I get up and run to the kitchen. I talk with the head chef and he agrees to let me take one of his boxes. I run back with a handful of blanket and a pillow. I place the pillow in the box and wrap Eden up in the blankets. Lorelei places Eden in the box and looks down at him.

"You make a pretty good mom Lorelei," I tell her.

She hits me playfully.

"I'm not a mother," She laughs.

Kourtni runs in.

"Lorelei and Elijah!" She says out of breath, "We need you in the control room."

"We need someone to watch Eden," I tell her.

"Who?" She asks.

"Eden. My foster child," I tell her.

"You want to play parents not my concern until it interferes with battle strategy so find a babysitter or find new parents for 'Eden'" She tells us.

Well finding new parents is out so we com America. She used to babysit so maybe she'll be open to babysitting Eden.

We wait until she gets here.

"When did you two have a baby and why am I always left out of these conversations?" America says exasperated.

"No America I just decided to foster him today," I smiled.

"Oh good. I wasn't left out of that conversation."

"Okay we are going now," Kourtni says.

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