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I spent the afternoon with Willow, Ashtin, Imogen, Rebekah and Luna Rose. It was definitely interesting. Ashtin and Imogen definitely have some romantic tension. Rebekah was glaring at me and I was doing the same. Willow was just doing her own thing.

We were supposed to be discussing what the government is hiding from us. However our personal endeavors got in the way.

"Welp that was a bust." Willow sighs.

"Tell me about it. You know I didn't even know Rebekah was still alive." I tell Willow.

"What do you mean?"

"I have met Rebekah before and we weren't overly friendly."

"Huh. Rebekah is the sweetest girl I've met!" Willow exclaims.

"Oh that is definitely a front."

"Actually I'm not so sure."

"Listen Willow. That girl isn't as nice or friendly as it seems. She tried to steal Elijah from Lorelei. No one steals Elijah from Lorelei."

"Oh how evil!" Willow gasps sarcastically.

"It's true. Then she just ghosted us and we really didn't care."

"It sounded like, from her story, you ghosted her."

"No. She ghosted us not the other way around."

Willow rolled her eyes. I had had enough of this nonsense.

"That's it. Hold Luna Rose, I am going to go settle this with Rebekah."

"That's the spirit." Willow cheered.

I stormed out of our supply closet and to the main area. I scanned the surrounds for a dishwashy blond haired girl. Finally I found her hanging out with Imogen.

I walked over there and stopped behind her.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat.

They turned around. When Rebekah saw me her nose wrinkled a little.

"Imogen please leave. This doesn't involve you."

Imogen hurriedly picked up her stuff and left.

"Do you need something Alivia?" Rebekah asked with her fake nice voice.

"Yes. I need you to know that we didn't ghost you. You ghosted us." I tell her.

"There shouldn't be a you and an us." Rebekah tells me.

I stared at her for a while.


"It reminds me of a divided society. Also maybe I did ghost you but you certainly weren't checking up."

"If you were ghosting us it means that you don't want to see us." I tell her.

"No I just wanted to see if you cared. And obviously you didn't so."

"Lady. You don't do that to your friends."


"You better be."

I walked away feeling better than ever. I was about to leave the main area when I noticed a commotion at the end of the hall. I walked down the hall to the source of all the commotion.

A small group of soldiers carrying guns are kissing their families good-bye. I then realize what I had been missing. America had moved up the date to get them out. But not Lorelei. I ran from the hallway and raced to the meeting room where America was.

"Leave" I commanded the other people.

The picked their things up and left.

"Just me and you now America. Now listen I know what you've been hiding."

"Alivia let's talk rationally about this. There was nothing I could have done." America said backing away.

"Why would I be mad? You moved the date up didn't you? Wait, what else are you hiding from me?" I ask my fury getting larger and larger.

"Alivia calm down and then we can talk."

"No America. You were supposed to be my friend but you are hiding something very important from me and I hate it!" I yell.

"This was out of my hands." America said quietly.

"What was out of your hands?" I demand.

"Indiana is staying with Lorelei."

My fire goes out. The coldness of the words seeps into my chest.

"What?" I ask cooly.

I ask to make sure that I heard what she was saying correctly.

"Indiana is staying with Lorelei." America said calmly.

I collapse into a chair near me. I feel like an impending doom is falling upon me.

"Alivia it's going to be okay." America whispers softly.

"How dare you say everything's going to be okay! I have to do this on my own again! I am falling apart and he can't help me." I weep.

"You will get through this."

"I can't! I can't, I can't, I can't." I cry.

"Alivia you are a strong woman."

"I am not strong America. You must be blind because I am the most pitiful woman in this galaxy."

"You are strong."

"Stop SAYING that." I yell.

I'm going to be all alone again. All alone with my baby and I can't do this anymore. I can't. Not anymore.

"Alivia we will get you a babysitter."

"I don't want a babysitter. I want my Fiance to come home."

Sobs wrack my body. I feel guilt come and knock me over in waves. I can't take care of Luna Rose by myself. I've failed as a mother. I've failed as a Fiancee. And most of all I've failed as a person.

I go to sleep after that.

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