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After Lorelei left I discovered something huge. I was messing with the box. Trying to figure more about it. It spit out a paper.

Do you accept the mission?

I took the paper and shoved it back into the slot. The box actually took it. I stood there staring at the box until it spit out another paper.

Why did you send the paper back?

It took me a minute to fully realize what I had just accomplished. I communicated with Ursus Minor. I gasp. I scramble for a sheet of paper and write

Are you getting this?

On it. I put the paper through the slot and it took it.

Yes we are getting it.

I had really just communicated with Ursus Minor.

"Wow." I breathe.

I run out of my room and to the Fighter's room. Inside I first saw a man with a bleeding nose. He didn't look to good. Elijah was sitting on a bunk bed with Lorelei sleeping in his arms. Elijah shakes her a bit to wake her up.

"Look who came to visit us." He whispers into her ear.

She looks up at me.

"Hi Indiana." She yawns.

I tap my leg twice to tell her to follow me. She sits up in Indiana's lap.

"I just wanted to see if you needed help with anything." I tell them.

"Do you need help with anything?" Elijah asks Lorelei.

She shakes her head.

"Okay. I'll let you get back to your nap." I tell Lorelei.

I walk out of the room and stop in a little indent in the wall. Lorelei comes stumbling out of the room. I guess she wasn't fully awake yet.

"Okay this needs to be quick. I told Elijah I was grabbing my bag." Lorelei told me.

"It will. Don't worry." I assure her.

I grab my black box, paper and a pencil out of my bag. I write "This is a demonstration" on the paper and put it into the machine.

Thank you for showing Lorelei

Lorelei stares at the box.

"You figured out how to communicate with them?"



Then I guide Lorelei back to her old hospital room so she can grab her bag.

"Remember to hide the box." I remind her.

"I got it."

She walked back to the Fighter's room.

Attention all available personal. There will be a fight commencing and the Highest Order would like all available Extorians to be there.

"What in stars is going on?" I murmur to myself.

I follow the crowd of Extorians heading to the arena. We all take our seats as we enter the arena. Now we have to wait for the Highest Order and his sister to arrive and then the fight will start.

"I wonder why the Highest Order requested all of us to be here." An Extorian whispers to me.


We stay dead quiet as we wait for the royalty to enter the arena. Finally thirty minutes later the Highest Order enters and takes his seat. The fight still hasn't gone forward.

"What's happening?" I ask the Bright next to me.

"I have no clue."

"Today we will have the final fight for the males before we move onto the next round." The Highest Order announces.

Of course.

The arena doors open and I see who is fighting. Out steps Elijah. I start to lunge toward them but stop myself.

"Do you know him?" The Bright asks me.

"He was my best friend."

"Oof. That's an issue."

I nod my head.

Elijah isn't carrying anything but neither is the other person. They start circling. Elijah doesn't look too happy to be in the arena but to be honest who would?

The other person start sprinting towards Elijah with such ferocity that I find myself scared for Elijah. The other person is fast but Elijah is un-naturally fast. He dodges with such speed that it was hard to catch. I look up to the Royalty. The Highest Order looks intrigued and his sister looks worried. Then it hits me. The Highest Order's sister is Elijah's mom.

It makes sense. I can't believe it took me that long to figure out. The way she looks ready to literally jump down into the fight says it all. I guess in a way Elijah is lucky. Sure it sucks that his mom is a Bright but at least she won't let him die in the trials. I wish I could get in-between this fight but I only protect Lorelei. The box thing made that very clear.

The other person takes a swing at Elijah's face. It gets Elijah's shoulder. Elijah's face contorts. It might have just been the shine of the lights playing tricks on my eyes but I could've sworn Elijah was glowing.

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