Jadewarts RP

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So for some reason WP hasn't been letting me post my form for ur JadeWarts RP so here,

Name: Syft
Age: 12 (I'll explain)
Year: 1
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Tribe: Sandwing
Role: Amnius with charm
Abilities: Barb on tail, charm is an peice of smooth oval black marble with an intricate pattern of crisscrossing metal crossing over it and creating a cocoon to hold it onto a necklace. It works by scratching a sentence into the marble and it has been enchanted to have the scratches slowly disappear over a bit of time. Therefore, he can't do too many spells to fast.
Appearance: daffodil yellow underbelly with canary yellow scales. Looks qibi, with mildly narrow shoulders and a semi-buff. Lean frame.
Personality: Smooth, caring, responsible, fights for what he believes in, cares about what others think of him, always trying to make new friends, can be flirty at times, can be semi-serious when doing important things, doesn't like being accused of things
Family: jelious/abusive father [Deceased early in his life but still made an impact on Syft] accused him of cheating his curse of going insane by using his charm to not go insane (so now he hides what it does from everyone), can't remember his mom
House: Gryffindor
Weaknesses: Not a good swimmer, doesn't like the cold very much, has a fear of small enclosed spaces and is still uncomfortable with stone walls.
Strengths: Navagating, Flying, Fighting, Likes learning in some sense
Other: Father was part of a group of criminal sandwings, they killed, lied, and stole. When Mom found out that she had been used to get to her riches, she left their accidental child with his father so that he would have to deal with a child born out of greed. Syfts upbringing was hard at first due to his abusive father who often beat him and locked Syft away in his small cramped room when his father went away on missions. When his dad died, the band of criminals had no need to keep him around so they abandoned him. He banded up with a group if other young kids and they survived on the streets. Since they were constantly moving and eluding people JadeWarts couldn't contact them until an orphanage found them and they were all seperated. He then received his letter from jadewarts.

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