What The Fuck Happened To Shayne?

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Dan, Phil, Lilly, Anthony, And Ian were casually eating ice cream together when a question came to Ian's mind. 

"Can I ask you guys something?" Ian questioned. The Squad looked at Ian skeptically.

"Of course you can." Anthony responded. A smile was on his face.

"What the fuck happened to Shayne?" Ian asked. Anthony's smile faded.

"I don't know." Anthony answered. 

After the ice cream episode, The Squad went on a walk. At first, Ian was happy when there was a new squad. Now Ian wasn't. He couldn't connect with these newbies like he did with the real squad. The Squad was chatting away when Dan noticed that Ian was remaining silent. 

"Is something wrong, Ian?" Dan asked in concerned tone. Ian didn't care how concerned Dan was. They were aquainances. Not friends. Ian had no friends.  Anthony wasn't the same.  Ian found himself wandering deep into the woods. He was off the trail that the "Squad" was walking on. He heard people shouting his name in the distance.



"Where are you, Ian?"

Ian figured that this was the best time to run far away from these people. Ian ran and ran. He ran faster than he had ever run before. He ran past a lake, and past a strange tree.   Ian wasn't looking where he was going, he knew these woods like the back of his hand.  Ian fell to the ground with a thud.

"I'm so sorry!" A man apologized. Ian got up and while brushing the dirt off his knees said,

"It's okay."

Ian looked up to see...

"Shayne?" Ian asked.

"Hi, Ian..." Shayne greeted in embarrassment. Shayne didn't know why he was embarrassed, he just was. 

"Ian, Can you help me?" Shayne asked Ian.

"Of course!" Ian responded cheerfully. "I really want to get away from those guys." 

Shayne then stated,

"Help me resurrect Noah Andrew Grossman."

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