Secret Seconds

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Anthony's heart started racing. His muscles grew tight. Anthony struggled to breathe. He heard a click. Anthony's head jerked up. 

"Ian!" Anthony exclaimed. His heart slowed down. His muscles relaxed. Anthony found breath. 

"Hey, Anthony!" Ian rapped his arms around Anthony.  He backed away.

"Where were you?" Anthony asked.

"I wanted to spend some time by myself." Ian replied. "Hey, Can I not go to work tomorrow?" Ian asked.

"Why?" Anthony asked, suspiciously eying Ian. 

"I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed." Ian lied. He was such a good actor. If hewanted to look happy, He was as bright as the sun. If he wanted to look sad, he was a rain cloud. He could also hide emotions. If he was furious with someone, he could hide the fire. 

The next day, Anthony woke up to a click! Anthony, very quietly, pulled the blanket off of himself. He  creaked his door open. It was only 4:00AM. Anthony saw Ian out of his room. He was dressed like he was going somewhere.  Anthony slipped out of his room.

"Ian?" Anthony asked, walking toward Ian. Ian looked at Anthony with a startled look on his face and vanished. Anthony searched for Ian everywhere. He was horrified. What did Ian just do?

Ian fell to the ground. Anthony screamed in pain. Ian scrambled to his feet. Nature surrounded him. Before him stood a house. A familiar one. Shayne's. Ian ran to the front door. He pressed the doorbell. It ringing echoed. The door creaked open. It soon flew open. 

"Hey, Ian. Come on. We have to ressurect someone." Shayne spoke, smiling. Ian stepped into the warm house.

"You're shaken. What's troubling you?" Shayne asked, noticing that Ian was acting strange.

"I was in the hallway at my house when Anthony said my name. I was startled, and then I appeared here." Ian explained.

"Oh, okay." Shayne replied.

"What happened?" Ian asked.

"You see, you can control your power yet, so whenever your startled you poof away somewhere you know you!re safe." Shayne explained to Ian, who was full of curiosity.  Ian and Shayne headed into the basement. Ian looked at the table, where a beautiful woman laid. A thought crossed Ian's mind. 

"Hey, Shayne..." Ian began. "You said you could only resurrect someone on The Day of Ressurection, when there was no light. There is light. The stars." Ian explained. 

"That's only to ressurect someone from Hell. As you know, Noah is the Devil's son." Shayne explained to Ian, who's curiosity still wasn't fed. Shayne and Ian got to work.

"Resssurecting her will not be easy. We have to brew a potion." Shayne spoke, handing Ian an old spell book titled The Steps Of Ressurection.  Ian took the book and opened it up. He  caressed the pages of the book. Ian flipped the the page that said the date of when it was published. It was published in  1692, during the Salem Witch Trials. Shayne found the ingredients for the potion. Ian assisted. Shayne chucked an eyeball into the cauldron. 

1) Human eyeball ✅

Ian poured the blood of a rebel from Heaven. 

2) A rebel from Heaven's blood (1/2 a cup) ✅

A rebel from Heaven is an angel that went dark. They are sentenced to an eternity in Hell by God.      Getting a single drop from one is very difficult, as you have to smuggle a knife into Hell, go deep into Hell, Get passed the guards, get the rebel  to get near you, smuggle the blood  and yourself passed the guards, smuggle the blood through Hell, And get back to Earth. Not to mention that demons and souls in Hell can smell fear, as well as the living.  

Ian read to himself. Shayne crushed a human heart and let it's remains fall into the cauldron. (OUAT anyone?) 

3) Human heart dust ✅

Now, it was time for the final ingredient. Shayne held his hand out for Ian to take. Ian took Shayne's hand. A bright white light poured out of their joint hands. Shayne released Ian's and and held a bright,white, shining ball. He lowered it until it was over the bubbling cauldron. Shayne's hands slipped away from the light and the ball plopped onto the cauldron. The oozy slimish like green liquid began to swirl. Soon, all the commotion stopped. Shayne took a  syringe from the rust and old steel shelf. Shayne filled the syringe with the freshly brewed potion. Shayne carefully placed the needle in Courtney's pale arm. Ian watched as Shayne pushed the iron rod down. He watched as the slime-like liguid poured into the woman's arm. The woman awoke and took a gasp of air.

"Sh-Shayne? Is that you? What happened?" The woman asked.

"So many questions, yet, so little answers." Shayne replied, smiling.

"That's the Shayne I know!" The woman exclaimed as she hopped off the table and wrapped her pale arms around Ian. 

"I love you." The woman finally said.

"I love you, too, Court." Shayne replied.

Shayne once said,

"When I die, I will be brought back for a price. Veins." He wasn't talking about Noah.

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