The Third Is Better Than You

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"Ian!" Anthony called. "Wake up!" Anthony's tone grew firmer. Still, Ian staid fat asleep on his wooden desk, papers slightly scattered all over the top of it. Anthony tried to help it. He knew something was wrong with Ian. H still had trouble sleeping. Everything came back to Anthony. The cracking belt. The pain in his vein as his drunk father injected him with that liquid. That addictive liquid.  Anthony had so much anger. He clenched his fist. At that moment, Ian lifted his head up. 

"Hey, Anthony..." Ian greeted. "What is it?" Ian asked, still in his sleepy state.

"First of all, you need to stop falling asleep." Anthony began. Ian nodded in agreement. "And, There's a new cast member that you need to meet." Anthony finished. Ian got up and tidied up. He stacked up all his papers and made his desk nice and organized. Ian stepped out of his office. He looked at his door. Specifically the knob. He could still see the scratches. He caressed the knob. Ian smiled. He remembered  how the scratches got there. Noah had tried to pick his lock, and failed. Her tried again, and failed. He tried again, and failed. The cycle repeated itself until, finally, Noah succeeded.  If Noah had given up before he got the door open, Ian could've been dead. Ian's head began to ache. Ian ignored it and went on his way. Anthony winked at Ian and smiled. Anthony knew how Ian felt. Anthony too was recovering from his recently ended depression. All the hate. He wanted nothing but to run back to Smosh. Anthony was so relieved when he could an no one would judge him. 

"Hey, Ian! This is Lauren." Anthony said. Anthony sat down amongst the Squad on the angel white couch. Ian sat down next to Lauren.

"Hi, I'm Lauren, Lauren Walker." Lauren began. "You must be Ian." She then added.

"Hi, and yes I am Ian. Is it okay if I have a tiny request?" Ian asked. Anthony didn't know where this was going, but he let things play out.

"It's fine. What is it? Can I fulfill it?" Lauren asked.

"Don't play nice with me, Miss Walker," Ian began. "I know all about you. I know about your terrible relationship with your ex-boyfriend, Noah Andrew Grossman." Ian finished.

"Please, Don't sat anything else. You're gonna cost me my job." Lauren whispered in Ian's ear.

"Too bad, Pussy." Ian spoke, a slight hint of evilness in his voice. (Got this But from @CaptainOnceUponATime ) Ian wasn't done yet. He had one more thing to say.

"The third is better than you."

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