Only The First

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Ian and Shayne strolled down the dirt path. Ian looked up at the sky. It was pitch black.

"Why are there no stars?" Ian asked Shayne.

"Because..." Shayne began. "My father, God, had a wife,  Celina, and she was taken. The Devil, Noah's father, took her. He threw her in a pit of flickering flames in order to give his sun a soul. His son needed a soul because if he didn't have one, he wouldn't be alive. He wouldn't be able to be with the living. That was years ago. That event made this day known as "Ressurection Day." A day when the sky is right for ressurection. There must be no light except the light you create. Only those with magic know about this day." Shayne finished his tale.

"Shayne... You said that only those with magic know about today..." Ian pointed out.

"And...?" Shayne asked. "Oh." Shayne came to a realization. "Well, I'm not wrong, Ian. You have magic. You have the element of teleportation, but you don't know how to control it. I will teach you." Shayne promised.

"Okay!" Ian agreed cheerfully. "Let's go resurrect the cutie." He continued. Shayne rolled his eyes. He was okay with the fact that Ian was gay, but a guy ten years younger than him?  

Shayne and Ian reaches an old abandoned mansion. Ian looked fascinated. Ian was never this curious before. What changed? 

"This is where I live." Shayne said, pointing at the mansion.

"You moved?" Ian asked. Shayne nodded. They went inside and Shayne grabbed a key from it's hook that was next to the front door.  Shayne and Ian walked and walked until they reached their destination.


Shayne unlocked a door and swung it open. There was a staircase. Shayne took a few steps down when he noticed Ian wasn't moving. Shayne stopped and turned around so that he was facing Ian. 

"It"s just a basement." Shayne said. "I'm not going to kill you."

Ian took a step down. Creak. Ian took another step. Shayne took another step. He took another and another. He kept taking steps until he was off of the wooden staircase. Ian hopped off the last step. He turned to face a table. Noah was lying down in an "X" shape.  Shayne held his hand out. 

"What are we doing?" Ian asked.

"You!re also an angel. Only someone with equal power to God or the Devil can ressurect someone. I have 3/4 the power of God Because of his son. You have 1/4 of his power. Together we can ressurect Noah." Shayne explaained. Ian kept his arms at his side.

"We'll make a great team, Ian." Shayne said, trying to convince Ian to help him. Though Ian was skeptical at first, he took Shayne's hand. A ring of white shot from between the two. Noah's eyelids uncovered his eyes. He took a gasp of air.  

"Ian..." Shayne began. Ian looked at Shayne.

"That was only the first ressurection..."

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