A Neutral Third Person

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"Well you do know guys come and go, but best-friends last forever remember that." said Nicole, this new therapist a neutral third party that Karyn felt the need to talk to due to everything that's going on with Alexa and dealing with her own emotional needs over Matthew. This has just been a lot for them all to deal with, Karyn needed someone to talk to. "I know guys come and go, it's just hard seeing him in school and dealing with him being hurt and angry with me, it only hurts and anger's me too. I just would like to have it out with him get all the cards on the table." "You deal with your emotions and let him deal with his, that is all you can do with that situation. Alexa is a good friend of yours and she needs friends right now more than anything."

"I just feel like I am at a crossroads In my life. I don't know which way to turn I mean is this really what my life has come down too? I have to choose, that's just not fair at all." "Life is not fair, honey. This is your reality, there are going to be tough decisions you are going to have to make in life. This is just the beginning Karyn , you are eighteen your going to be graduating and going away to college, you will make new friends and maybe meet new guys. This is going to pass, with time you will heal and move on, which I'm sorry but that is what you are going to need to do."

"Yes I know whether I like it or not." "Yes you do whether you like it not, at this stage in your life Karyn nothing is going to be an option anymore, and when there is an option you have to just listen to your own intuition, think with your head, feel what your feeling in your heart, and make a decision based more on the facts and what is going to be best for you and your life and not anyone else's, you matter too." Nicole had replied.

"I know you are right, and that I need to just enjoy what time I have left. Be In the moment take it day by day, the old cliche's I hear all the time anyways."

"Yes, and you are going to be a psychology major. So get used to it."

"I have to stay friends with Alexa, that is my only option."

"That's right, a loss of a guy-friend or boyfriend is only natural anyways it happens every day, Karyn, but true friendship does last a lifetime. Just remember guy's come and go like cars and jobs there will always be another one coming along. Sometimes someone or something even better will happen to you, just stop planning let God do the work and you keep praying because he is listening." 

"I just get impatient and frustrated, I mean Alexa will be going to school in the fall anyways, and so will Matthew and I know I got accepted into the school of my choice, but I really do think that I really could just use a break." 

"That's normal Karyn, a lot of kids your age don't know what they want to do with there lives, and do take a year of from school to figure out not only where there lives are going but that I think is also a good time for a lot of soul searching to happen, and to just let life happen and see where you are in a year or two from now and reevaluate the decision to go to school then. Just enjoy your life for what it is right now." 

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