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    Hi My name is Amanda Ramos, I'm 17 and a junior. I live in West Covina California , I go to Jefferson high school. I am currently a junior there. My family consists of my mom dad my twin older brothers and baby brother. I am the only girl , sometimes i wish i had a sister who could get my struggles but oh well I love my brothers. (A/n i have 2 brother and they annoy me I'm 5'5, I'm not that short or tall but I'm okay with my height. My long brown hair reaches my mid back it's naturally straight so I don't have to do much. My body has curves in all the right places and i know I'm pretty because a lot of people tell me. But I don't let it get to my head.

    I have my group of close friends. Their names are Evie we've known each other's since diapers. She constantly gets in trouble but she's just too much fun to be around and i cant stay away Then there's Grace she moves here our freshman summer and became my next door neighbor. They only words you use to describe her is a little sunflower. She is like a ball of sunshine And last but certainly not least my pair of reapers, Justin and Jake. Two trouble makers that cant keep it in their pants. Its funny to say the least when girls come up to out table at lunch and slap the shit outta them because they left their bed before morning.

    Now you may be wondering about me and how i act, well I'm the good girl. Or so everyone thinks. At school I'm the sweet goody-two shoes who is there for everybody. Nobody can resist my charm the bullies, nerds, jocks, hell even the principle and teachers. I have straight A's (a/n i fuckin wish i did in real life) and i am never a bother. But once that clock hits 3 pm i change. I am a racer, street fighter, and I have a gang. My family does know and so do my friends do they are my second third and fourths in commands. (Evie is second, Grace is third, and Justin and Jake are the fourth)But I treat them all as my seconds.

    We are named "Night Watchers", My gang is the most-feared in the entire West coast. People know not to double cross my gang. And if they do they will end up like all the other 56 dead gangs that crossed me. Although nobody knows that I run the gang they think its some 40 something yr old man. And damn they could be farther from the truth.

    Anyways tomorrow is the first day for my junior year. And I'm looking forward to it, I love school and work its easy and I'm always a week ahead of the work so i always have free time. Well not that you have a little autobiography about me its time to sleep and i don't know about you but i sleep like i was akwake for 48 hours.

.gOodnIgHt bIotCHeS. 🌙✨

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