Anything For You

35 5 0

November 13, 2010


Dean turns at the sound of his car, holding his hand up to shield his eyes from the lights. I sigh in relief as I pull to a stop, feeling so many emotions swell up in my chest that I can hardly breathe. Dean on the other hand only has two emotions written all over his face. Relief...and anger.

The driver's side door flies open and I flinch from residual fear. He glares down at me. "What the hell, Cas? I told you not to come back!" He's absolutely seething mad and I just can't take it—I burst into tears. Big, choking sobs ripping from my throat as everything bubbles over. Dean's face falls and I cover my eyes with both hands, trying to hide how pathetic I am from him. "Hey, it's okay." He pulls me out of the car and holds me to his chest as I sob, stroking my hair in the most soothing way.

"I got lost," I whimper, sniffling as I lay my head against his beating heart. "And I-I thought you were d-dead." His arms constrict before releasing me and urging me back towards the car.

"We need to go." I get in, moving over to let him in next to me, but he just closes the door and walks—okay, limps—to the passenger's side. The door opens and I scoot back over, looking at him inquisitively. "You drive. I—I can't." I nod, swiping at my tears before buckling up.

"I...uh—I don't know how to get home," I whisper, gripping the steering wheel as the car rumbles.

"Go straight," he says before laying his head back against the seat. It's dark, so I can't really see his face but black streaks mar his skin—dirt or blood, I don't know.

I drive, periodically glancing over at Dean to check on him, and my foot presses down harder on the pedal every time. It has become very clear to me that he's not okay.

"Dean?" I whisper, only vaguely registering our speed as my hands shake on the steering wheel.

"Yeah, Cas?" His voice is a tired murmur pushed past bloody lips with great effort. His breaths wheeze from his lungs and he winces with every one.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." I don't ask, thinking that he'll say no if I do. Even now, I'm sure he'll protest, but he doesn't, nodding his head and closing his eyes. This scares me even more; he must be really hurt if he's willing to go get checked out.

I press my foot down harder as I start to recognize our surroundings, thanking whatever God is up there that we aren't too far out of Lawrence.

"Don't get pulled over," Dean mumbles, groaning when he coughs. I nod and slow down a little. Fear doesn't let me go any slower than double the speed limit, though, because blood glistens on his lip with every cough.

Thankfully, we make it to the hospital and I park in front of the emergency entrance with my heart racing and tears still wetting my cheeks.

"I'll be okay, Cas. Take a breath." I nod, still shaking as I force air into my lungs. "Okay..." he swallows thickly. "Now come around and help me out." I get out on shaky legs, rounding the car and opening the door. "I'm gonna need you to help me out. Put your arm around me..." I do as he says, wrapping my arm around his waist as one of his goes around my shoulders. "Ready?" I nod, bracing myself for his weight and pulling him up. I grunt—he's heavy—and readjust my hold. A muffled cry escapes him and he presses his lips together, squeezing his eyes shut tight while taking shaky breaths.

"Am I hurting you?" I ask stupidly and cringe as soon as the words leave my mouth.

"Everything is hurting me." Dean doesn't let go of me though and actually tightens his grip.

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