Angel Mine

25 5 0

November 23, 2010


His eyes bore into me all the way down the hall. I can feel them, like daggers shooting through me, searching for some truth or another. I have no idea what that truth might be and in all honesty, if he's not going to ask, I'm not going to share. Sammy looks away for the briefest moment when Ruby comes up beside him before he turns his eyes back on me. I watch him watch me behind my sunglasses as Uriel continues talking about whatever he talks about. I stopped listening the moment I noticed Sam staring.

I can't even begin to think of what I could've done wrong—there are too many possibilities and not enough time. I'll have to confront him about it later.

But right now, Cas is walking towards us and I can't help the grin tugging at my lips as I watch him. He's glancing at me shyly, his eyes flicking between me and the floor. A sweet warmth floods my heart as I watch him pass and see his own lips twitch with a small smile.

"Dude, are you even listening to me?" Uri hits my elbow and I glare at him through my glasses. He doesn't notice.

"Not really." Not at all. I sling my bag over my shoulder and close my locker before turning away. I head for my car, not stopping to talk to anyone and pretending I don't hear them call out to me—I'm too excited to get out of here. It's Tuesday.

Cas isn't home yet but I knew he wouldn't be. He's got some flower thing to deal with before he can tutor me. I don't mind, though, even if it means I have to wait a bit to see him.

I walk through his unlocked front door and head for the kitchen. No one's home but I knew they wouldn't be; no one's ever here after school—Cas is lucky that way. I grab myself a drink and a cookie from the jar on the counter—chocolate chip—and take the stairs two at a time on my way to Cas's room. I'll just hang out here until he gets home.

Taking a bite of the cookie as I look around the room, I flip on the lights and notice his laptop on the desk. Now, in any other circumstance I wouldn't even take note of it but this time, it's open and there's a word document up on the screen. Huh, he must have turned off the sleep function.

I take a seat in the chair, wheeling it around to face the screen before scrolling to the top of the page.

I don't read—I don't think I've ever actually finished a book in my life—but this...I'm hooked from the first word, drawn in by the characters and plot. Maybe it's the fact that this is Cas's story but I don't think so. It's actually incredible, not that my standards are anything to go by, but...I mean...I could read this from start to finish without even realizing I'm doing it. I mean, I know Cas likes to write, but this's amazing. The way he takes the characters through their struggles and all the ups and downs...I feel it and it's so powerful... I almost don't know what to do with myself when he walks through the door.


Oh, no, no. My heart drops to the floor as I lunge at my desk, slamming my laptop shut as humiliation seeps through me. I feel physically ill as I pick up my laptop and hug it to my chest, feeling my whole body flame as Dean stares at me. I stare at the floor, bracing myself for the mortifying laughter that I'm positive is coming.

I wait...and wait...and wait.

"Cas..." Here it comes. I cringe, turning away and heading for my bed.

"It's nothing." I sit down facing my closet, not daring to look over by my desk in case Dean insists on meeting my gaze. I hear more than see him stand and walk over to the bed. He takes the laptop from my unwilling grip and sets it aside. "It's not finished; it's nothing." My chin is lifted and my eyes meet Dean's. They're not teasing like I thought they would be. They're something closer to everything I never could have hoped for. Soft...kind.

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