Still Forgotten (A Naruto Fanfiction)

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Still Forgotten

Chapter one- Sealed


Sweat drips down my face, the darkness of the night seems to seep into my bones. I was tired- that much was for sure. My knees were weak, barely having enough strength to hold back it.

It was a beast, an ugly thing with huge wide glaring eyes, white teeth that seemed sharper than my kunai knives. Right in front of me, not even a hundred meters away stood the nine tailed beast- the Kyuubi.

"Nii-chan, just do it! If you seal the Kyuubi then you have to seal me as well!" I yell, sweat dripping from my face as I struggle to hold back the furious beast. My chakra restraints creak in protest as the Kyuubi struggles to get free of them.

Kushina, more commonly known as the Red Hot Habenero, struggles to stay on her feet, arms raised, drenched with sweat, her breathing labored. Her own chakra chains barely helping to restrain the monsterous beast before us.

"But Minori-"

"NOW!" I yell, feeling my chakra starting to reach it's limits, the bundle of chakra restraints slip a little out of my grip as the Kyuubi lets out an ear shattering roar, it's nine tails whipping through the air and banging against a the ground, causing massive explosions, debris flying everywhere like hail, "I cannot hold on any longer!"

"No, Mino-!"

"Now! I cannot-" just before I could even finish my sentence, I knew I could no longer hold on. My chakra restraints slips out of my grip, and the Kyuubi bucks up, trying to pull free. Kushina gasping as she was met with the full rage of the Kyuubi, not too long after, her own chakra chains snap.

The Kyuubi turns his furious red gaze on a sleeping new born, a baby named Naruto, knowing that if he was to be sealed he would be sealed into an oblivious child.

Roaring angrily the Kyuubi strikes a claw in Naruto's direction, I cry out in shock, knowing that there was no way I could stop the speeding sharp object.

But barely centimeters before reaching the newborn the claw was stopped. I struggle to my feet, from where I had fallen to the ground, not even minutes before.

I gasp, tears blurring my sight. There, peirced through both Kushina's and Minato's chest. Kushina, shoots me a shaky smile through the pain.

Minato gives me a look, a hidden message within it. Understanding, I give him a short, weak nod. Slowly doing the familiar handsigns, using the last bit of dregs in my chakra reserves.

Minato does his own set of handsigns, summoning a painstakingly familiar shinigami. Finishing my own handsigns I once again summon my own chakra restraints, once again the restraints leap up and holds down the Kyuubi once again.

Minato seals away half of the Kyuubi's chakra into himself, slowly he sets up the seal onto his newborn son, shooting me another look, I nod, tightening the chakra restraints.

I knew what I was getting into, what my job was. The sacrifice that I was making for the village, the village that has given me a reason to live- Konohagakure.

Minato does mutiple handsigns, his breathing becoming labored, so it seems that the 'oh so powerful Yondaime' actually does get tired....

But all what I say is in jest, for what is an older brother without a younger sibling to criticize them?

Finishing the handsigns, Minato gives me another meaningful look, "Good luck, imouto (little sister)"  and with that both the Kyuubi and I were sealed within the sleeping baby.

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