Chapter Three

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"Ugh, I hate cats, those stupid demon-like creatures," I mumble under my breath, snuggling a bit more into the Kyuubi's fur.

Naruto and his team has so far gone on a total of thirteen D-ranked missions, they have gone on what seemed like worse mission that I had to attend top when I was a genin.

Their current mission was to find and capture a lost cat... thing was I am pretty sure that was the same cat I had to find and capture when I was a genin, or maby some kind of distant relative of some sort... well you never know, these demon-like creatures seemed to multiply when no one's looking and everyone tends to turn a blind eye it's way.

"But no, I swear that one day, one day I will get rid the world of the hideous creatures that the world calls cats and keeps as pets, I will save the world from devastation and to unite the world within our nation. Surrender now, or prepare to fight! Meow, that's right!"

"Minori, just shut the hell up for once, or else I will end up killing you and your stupid pokemon refrences," the Kyuubi growls, easily knocking me off of his head with an oversized paw.

I fly across the cage, easily landing on my feet, "I was talking outloud?" The Kyuubi gives me an irritated look, one that I replied with a silly face, sticking out my tongue while pulling down my lower eyelid, making the perfect picture of a comical funny face.

"Yatta! We finally got a C-ranked mission," Naruto cheers, jumping up and down in joy, "Is it a feudal lord that we have to escort!? Or maybe a princess?"

"Tch, the Hokage would never let us go on a mission that important," a dark voice filled with deep sadness and anger says from in front of us.

I jump in suprise, easily spotting the form of my little Dark Naruto. Although Naruto does not show it, he is extremly depressed deep, deep down inside of himself because of the way the villagers had treated him all of his life, sadly I have no way of changing it, simply due to the fact that Naruto does not even know that I exist.

"Neh, neh, why are you alyways so pessimistic, Naru-chan? I don't like this side of you," I say, leaning up against the bars of the cage that contains both the Kyuubi and I.

Naruto glances my way, his shocking red eyes searching my own, "This side of me? Once I wake up and see the world the way it truly is, this is my true self."

"Nah! That's not true, my Naru-chan!" I say, forcing out a laugh, struggling to reach through the bars of the cage to squeeze my poor nephew's cheeks.

Naruto turns his head away from me, instead glaring at the image of the drunken old fool that Naruto and the rest of the team seven would be escorting, "The whole world is against me, they hate me and all for what!? Just because I harbor that demon deep inside of me!?" Dark Naruto says, pointing a defiant finger in the Kyuubi's directions, his teeth gritted in anger.

I shrug, noncomittidly, acting as if I didn't really care, but in truth it hurt to know that Naruto was hurting so much. The Kyuubi slowly open one eye in Dark Naru-chan's direction, too laxy to retort to what Naruto had just accused the giant demon fox of doing.

"Just grow up, you need to realize that not everyone is going to love you, but those that looks past your differences and likes you for the way that you are, those are the ones that you need to cherish, because they are the ones who really care. Besides, who cares what a whole bunch of nobodies thinks about you anyways?" I say, shrugging once again.

Naruto does not meet gaze, glaring at the water covered ground, slowly he lifts his gaze from the floor, glaring in my direction.

"Oi! Why are you glaring at me like that!?" I ask, a little unsettled, it was odd to see my usually happy-go-lucky Naru-chan giving me such a look, especially with his red eyes, even if it was a small part of him.

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