Chapter four

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Chapter four:

'Everything is going to be fine my ass- err I mean apple...?' I was wrong, for the first time in my life, never had I been so wrong, well it's probably due to the fact that I never am wrong anyway...

No more than half an hour travels away from Konoha when we were attacked by some rogue shinobi from the retched Hidden Mist village...

At the moment Naruto was trying to be extra 'ninja-like', whatever the hell that means... we had landed in the wave country and was walking in the general direction of the old man's house.

A small disruption with the leaves caught my attention, it seems that my little Naru-chan had caught it too, quickly throwing a kunai in the direction. The kunai whizzes through the air, hitting the lower trunk of a tree, the silver haired copy-ninja moves the bushes revealing the kunai that was still quivering from the force of the throw, lodged into the tree, below the kunai was a rabbit quivering in fear.

What caught my attention was not it's adorable dark brown eyes filed in fear, but the coat that was as white as snow, it was currently the middle of June, rabbits do not usually have it's winter coat during the summer, unless it was in captive, that would be the only reason as to why the rabbit was here- it must have been used for the substitution technique.

Kakashi sighs and scold Naruto not so gently, bonking the top of my nephew's blonde head of hair with a closed fist.

"Oh, hell no!" I yell angrily, lifting a fist in Kakashi's direction. He had done nothing wrong, yet my Naru-chan had still paid a price! Before I could yell any obscenities at Kakashi (though he won't hear it, but that's besides the point) I too, was bonked on the head.

I turn around and glare at the Kyuubi who had hit me atop the head with one of his multitudes of tails, "Eeeeh!? What was that for you over-sized rat!?"

The Kyuubi does not respond, instead watches intently as to what was going on, odd... Usually the chakra beast would not care about what was going on in Naru-chan's life, instead feigning to sleep- even if the beast actually cannot fall asleep.

I settle back down, leaning against the bars of he cage that keeps both the Kyuubi and I in imprisonment, the water that covers the ground cold to the touch and only less than an inch deep. Nothing else much had happened, nothing that had piqued my interest that is, just that this missing ninja that had shown up who stated that he needed the old drunk-

Good he could have him, and maybe even the Uchiha, I myself couldn't have cared any less.

They had fought, Kaka-the dumb ass-shi got caught into a water prison jutsu when he had fallen into the water, the idiot hadn't put chakra into his feet, thus making him fall into the water.

My Naru-chan had thought of a brilliant plan, something that he must have inherited from our side of the family, the Namikaze's are known for our adaptability and last minute plans, well and half assed too, but that's just me.

They had managed to beat the rogue shinobi, a hunting ninja from the ANBU in the Hidden Mist had shown up, taking Zabuza- the rogue shinobi out with a mere chakra laced throwing needle.

The rest of the week had passed, the old drunk had let team seven to stay at his home for the duration of their mission- which was an oddity in itself, usually during missions much like this one the clients usually expect the shinobi to find their own place to stay... maybe the old man wasn't that bad...

Kakashi had taught the team the basics of the tree climbing technique, poor Naru-chan had too much chakra, he didn't know how to harness it all. Naruto had inherited the Uzumaki type of chakra, ontop of that was both mine and the Kyuubi's mixed chakra.

After nearly the whole week Naruto had figured out the trick to sending chakra to his feet- to not think about it, to relax and let his reflexes take over. Awh! My little Naru-chan is growing up!

"Ne, Kyuu-chan... do you think I would be a good mother?" I ask, curiously, Naruto was fast asleep, dark Naru-chan nowhere to be found, and frankly I was bored out of my mind, there was nothing going on, so I was reflecting back on my life.

When I was younger I had always wanted to be exactly like my mother, she was kind and compassionate, patient and caring, the perfect mother.

The Kyuubi does not answer, instead choosing to look elsewhere. I guess there is not much point in thinking about the nonexistent future, I would never be able to be a mother when I am stuck in a chakra cage with one of the chakra beast... There is not much point to anything really, I am going to be stuck in this cage, and if I am to be honest...

I do not really have to be here, I could have been able to raise Naruto myself, and teach him about our family history. I would have been able to stop all the bullies that always give my Naru strife... I could have made him packed lunch everyday, simply just so when he goes to school he would have something homemade to eat... I could have been able to make my Naru-chan's life so much easier if I had not begged Minato to seal me.

But if I was not sealed within, I would not be able to stop the Kyuubi by myself if he was able to escape. I guess the one advantage to being sealed within Naruto along with the Kyuubi was so that I would be able to help control the beast when the time comes for Naurto to be using it. There is also one flaw to the seal that Minato ha put up, in order for Naruto be able to control and channel the Kyuubi's chakra, there had to be holes within the seal. With much patience the Kyuubi can slowly filter chakra through the holes so he could one day take over Naruto's body- now that's where I come in, I could prevent the Kyuubi from taking over by filtering my chakra through the holes, so that the Kyuubi cannot.

Last night Naru-chan had completed the tree climbing technique, not that I am surprised or anything, but my baby has grown up so much! Something seems off about today... I dunno, Naru-chan had woken up a little past noon only to find that the rest of his team had left him! Those two-faced butt-snugglers...

Naru-chan lets out a shout of surprise, rushing up and getting ready for the day once he realizes that his team left him to sleep. Running through a small stretch of trees, something catches our eye- there an injured boar. Scratches marred the poor animal's flesh, its' breathing fast and shallow, its' dark brown eyes half closed in pain... the poor thing was used for some kind of training, by the looks of the wounds o the poor animal, I would say it's from a-

"Katana, some bastard had used the boar as a target," snarls the Kyuubi, a deep rumbling noise erupting from deep inside the chakra beast's chest, his dark lips pulled back in a snarl, he was angry, that much was certain.

"The bastard is not even good," it was true, the cuts on the beast seem to be random, no sort of pattern to it, like a trained swordsman's cuts would be like... it was probably just some kind of hired thug that had found a katana on the side of the road.

Naruto, my smart little boy immediately notices that there was a trail leading back to the old bridge builder's house, runs back, knowing that the old man's daughter and grandson are there, defenseless.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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