~Chappy 3~

828 17 4

Last Time...
This whole thing wasn't new to me, this course of event happened at least once a week if not everyday. Once I was done fixing my self up I had just gone to sleep.
The Next Morning
(Y/N)'s POV

*Screech* Screech*Scree-*

Ugh I swear that alarm clock will be the DEATH of me... Wait... what time is it...
"FuCk!!! I sLePt In!!!" I said quickly and loudly I quickly ran to my closet and grabbed the same thing I wore yesterday and threw it on because for some reason I have two of every outfit (don't ask) I quickly put my hair into two VERY sloppy galaxy buns but they looked like they were supposed to be sloppy on purpose. I pulled on my purple and pink converse ( A/N so basically one shoe is purple and the other is pink then the pink shoe has purple laces and the purple shoe has pink laces) I grabbed my phone off the charger and grabbed my headphones, back pack and my skateboard and jumped out of the window so fast some people could think I was flying! I quickly rode my skateboard to school as if there was the grim reaper them self chasing after me. Finally I made to my locker since I woke up so late my bullies eventually went to class. I shoved my back pack and skate board into my locker grabbed what I needed and went to class. "-as you can see class this is how protons are for-"*CREEK* Ugh what is it with this damn door and giving me away to the teacher EVERY DAMN TIME!!!!
"Mrs. (Y/N) why on earth are you so late this time around?" Said Mr. Cocksburg tapping his foot impatiently. "Well you see I really wanted to go visit my pals the Easter bunny and Santa so that I could thank them for the fucking Christmas Miracle of me getting after school detention yesterday, that how ever I could not attend due to the tea party I had to go to with the queen of England." I said as innocently as possible as if a child saying they did nothing wrong and had the most important reason ever for doing something. "Well maybe next you will have to decline the queen of England to go to her tea party so that you could actually attend detention today?" Oh well I'm so sorry but you see I have to go to my every six month tooth fairy dentist appointment, but can we reschedule another time for detention?" I asked with sarcasm. " Actually why don't we schedule for lunch?" He said with a evil grin on his face. He wants me to skip my lunch, NOT eat Aton of junk food to my hearts content, but instead sit in HERE and listen to HIM!!!! " OH FUCK NO!!! THERES NO WAY IN HELL THAT IM SKIPPING LUNCH TO BE IN HERE WITH YOU!!! I NEEDS MY CUPCAKES, WAFFLES, CHEESECAKE, AND OTHER JUNK FOOD!!!!" I said obviously upset. "Well there is no other time I have to schedule." He said looking smug. "Oh HELL NAH IM READY TO CUTS A MANS IF THEY GET BETWEEN ME AND MAH JUNK FOOD!!!" I said, which had caused most of the class to laugh even harder at the conversation, more the argument me and the teacher were having.  "Just go sit down already you child from hell." Mr. Cocksburg said. "Wat! Me?! Child from hell?!? That's implying that I'm the spawn of satan and I already know that I'm DEFINITELY NOT your kid!!!" I said with anger and humour in my voice. This lead to the whole class laughing loudly or just them yelling "ROASTED!!" Or "BURN!!" Or them just shouting incoherent words. " Just please go sit down already." Mr. Cocksburg said and I went and sat where I usually sat, right next to the window, now with this Jack kid sitting next to me. "That was a really good burn." He said after chuckling for a bit. "Oh well thanks, whenever I want to be a smart ass it works but most of the time ends badly." I said with a humorous grin on my face.  " Who does it usually end badly for?" He asked with an amused grin. "Haha usually me since it'll usually get me in trouble, but sometimes the other person gets really embarrassed." I said laughing a little. "Your really funny." Jack said with a genuine smile. "Ya I'm pretty funny looking!" I said and we both chuckled at that. *Ringgg* When the bell rung, and before I could dash out the door Jack said "Wait!! Can I have your...
Jack said "Wait can I have your phone number?" He asked quickly "Sure!" I said and and grabbed my marker and grabbed his arm and wrote down XXX-XXX-XXXX ( sorry I didn't want to give out someone's reAl number :p)
"There ya go! I'll see you around bye!" I said and then quickly ran off to my other classes so I wouldn't be late. During lunch Sabrina and her Minions beat me up... Again. Then the rest of the day was normal but when I got out of school today I was beat up again and made fun of again by Sabrina and her goons. By the time I got home I was tired and I was close to snapping. REALLY CLOSE.  Anything might drive me over the edge. I climbed through my window and put everything away and putting my hair down so now you were able to see my cat ears and I pulled my tail out of my sweatshirt then collapsed on my bed from drowsiness only to be woken up by my 'mother' beating me and my  'father' doing things unimaginable to me. I. Had. Enough. I snapped. I killed them. I pushed my 'mother' and 'father' off of my and knocked out my father while I tortured my mother. I ripped out her eyes and stuck them up her nose then I summoned one of my weapons which was a dagger and slowly cut her open but made sure she could still feel the pain.
I ripped out her organs at least the none crucial one so that for now she's still alive. I used her organs and insides as non-birthday decorations. "Happy non-birthday! Now... OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!! Hahahaa!" I said and laughed crazily. I was feeling a bit hungry... so I took my moms kidneys, and the heart, HAHA who ever known she had one! Then I had bitten into it. The blood had rushed down my lips and my hands. The heart was very sweet, unlike her that is, then I tried the kidneys they were good to.I then used her blood to write on the wall They drew the card of death, and, off with their heads! And curiouser and curiouser I also wrote Happy Un-Birthday!! Then I did the same with my dad and wrote with HIS blood, UNTIL NEXT TIME ILL SEE YOU ALL ON HELL, OR WONDERLAND!!!" Love the Mad Hatter! Then I went and packed my electronics, outfits and other necessities into my back pack and grabbed gasoline, alcohol, bleach and stuff that could be be flammable but were liquid. I put them all in a pile then went through my whole neighbourhood and killed them all the poured around all of the liquids and spread them across from house to house, then I went back to my 'home' and pored the rest of the liquid in our house then I lead out side into the middle of our neighbor hood and used my powers to start a fire that was blue in the core or where the hottest part of the fire is then it blended to a light pink at the top of it and around the corners where the least amount of heat in the fire was and in between blue and pink there was purple for where the medium amount of  heat in the fire was there I then set the little puddle on fire, which had spread all the way through the neighbourhood on fire. When I heard the sirens I ran to the woods and kept walking while softly humming.

To Be Continued ......
Total- 1500 words
Hiya~ So I'm back with a new chapter and I hoped you liked it it is currently 4:38 AM right now so I'm sorry if this chapter seems rushed, sloppy or bad I will come back and edit later, but I still don't know what to call my readers so comment suggestions for that and feel free to leave idea's In the comments if I use your idea then I will tag you in the chapter I do it in. Have a lovely day/night! Until next time!

Xoxo, Bun~Bun

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