~Chappy 13~

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Last Time...
"If you think your so powerful then fight me and win." Slendfuck said. "Hehe...your on slendfuck...hehehahaHAHA!"
(Y/N)'s POV
Just then the rest of my uncles showed up, I guess they just happened to be visiting, or someone called them, either way I  don't care. "3...2...1...FIGHT!" Jeff yelled. When he said fight slendfuck face started to open up and a smile was being shown with teeth as sharp as daggers. He waited for me to attack, but I just sat down and crossed my legs. "What are you to scared to attack me?" Slender said smirking. I just sat here with a blank face, I guess he had enough since he lunged at me. I quickly dodged out of the way and grabbed my two katana's from my belt. I quickly started sprinting towards him and pretended to try to slice his legs and as he was about to block my 'attack' I jumped and cut his arm. At this he growled. "Trying to scare me now are you?" I asked crazily with a sadistic look on my face. "No I don't need to you just need a mirror to be scared." Slender stated then tried to use one of his tendrils to try and grab me but I dodged it and cut it off. Slenderp hissed from the pain. I took the opportunity and tackled him and we started wrestling. But then an unfamiliar vice had called out,"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!?" I turned around and saw a girl with dirty blond hair out up into two galaxy buns held together by some red ribbon. She was wearing a black shirt and some overall shorts that were orange and had 2 hatchets hanging from a belt on her waist. She was wearing socks that went just bellow her knees and she had on converse like mine but instead of pink and purple they were orange and black. She also had a grey plaid tied around her waist. She had one eye that was brown and the other one was bright orange that had the operators symbol for the pupil.
I decided to add my OC in sorry!
Here's a pic of her!

------------------------------------I decided to add my OC in sorry!Here's a pic of her!

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"Is anyone gonna answer me?" She said impatiently. I got off of Slenderp and walked towards her and I held out my hand. "Hello! I'm the mad hatter but you can call me Mads! I'm assuming your another creepypasta?" I asked nicely. "Oh! Sorry I was so mean! I'm The Game Master but you can call me Ava or GM!" She said while pushing my hand away and giving me a hug and I hugged her back. "So what did Slenderp do this time?" She asked me. "Decided to be mean to his niece aka me." Responded with. "Ohh yeah that makes a lot of sense ya know I've actually fought him before as well!" She said to me. "Really? Did you win?!" I asked excitedly. "Yeah but afterwards I was in the infirmary for a month because of the punishment I got." She said shyly. Just then she got tacked by Toby while he was screaming,"AVA!!! YOUR BACK IVE MISSED YOU!!!" Ava just responded by laughing and saying,"Haha Yes waffle boy I'm back!" "Uhh are you two a couple?" I asked them they both blushed bright red and Ava stuttered out,"N-no..." I looked at them and laughed then said. "Yeah right!" I helped them both up then walked back to the other pasta's and I introduced Syd to Ava, and the rest of the creepypastas reunited with her. After that they all went inside except for me and Ava. "So have you developed a crush on anyone?" She asked. "Y-yeah.." I responded with quietly. "Oooh! Who?" She asked. "Jack..." I said mumbling but she still heard me. "Wait eyeless or laughing?" She asked confused. "Eyeless, do you have a crush on anybody?" I asked her curiously. "Uhhh..." she took a deep breath and sighed. "T-Toby..." she said quietly. "Aww I totally ship it and I think he has a crush on you two!" I said happily,"What if we helped each other out?" Ava asked me. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "I could help you and Jacky boy become a couple and you can try and help me and Toby become a couple since me and Jack are like brother and sister it should be easy." She responded with. "Yeah! Deal!" I said happily and we both walked inside.
Eyeless Jacks POV
While Ava and (Y/N) were talking...
When we mealies back into the house Toby pulled me into his room. "What?" I asked annoyed. "I know you have a crush on Mads, and I Have a crush on Ava so if I help you get Mads can you help me get Ava?" He asked nervously I thought about it and I responded with,"Deal." I held out my hand and he grabbed it to shake. We both walked out of his room and we heard Jeff say,"I guess all of those shippers were right about you to and I guess that E.J. X Ticci Toby is a real ship! Haha!" Jeff then ran away before either one of us were able to punch him we walked into the living room and watched as Ava and Mads walked in through the front door as well, Then I heard Toby whisper to me,"I wonder what Ava and Mads were doing outside..." "I have no idea." I replied with. "I'm boreddddddd!" Ava whined out then walked over to the couch and face planted on it. "How about we play Truth or dare and then 20 minutes in hell?" Toby suggested we all said sure then Ava screamed out,"OKIE LOSERS GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE WERE GONNA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE THEN 20 MINUTES IN HELL!" Then there were a ton of thumps and groans and sounds of footsteps walking down the stairs then we all sat in a circle and started playing.
To Be Continued.....
Total Words-1135
Hiya~ soooo sorry this took me so long to post it's my spring break and I've just been out of it and wanting to do nothing, but if you guys have some good dares or truths for any of the pastas just comment then cause I will use the suggestions! Thank you!

Toby: Hey author-chan?

Me: Yes?

Toby: Is your OC just you if you were a creepypasta?


Toby: Are you gonna answer my question?

Me: Nope cause I have to say bye to me readers!

Thank You All For Reading

I Hope You Have A Great Day/Night Where Ever You Are!

Until Next Time

Xoxo, Bun~Bun (and Toby! :3)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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