King Theseus

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Nico trekked down the sidewalks to Baker's center drinking a mocha as he glared at people as he passed. Suddenly a police officer came up to Nico, unfortunately towering him by a good twelve inches. "Well what do we have here, what are you doing out of school young man?" Nico raised his eyebrow wait let's see oh if the yesterday was- oh"

Nico realised today would be the first day of school had he have been in other districts. "I'm sorry sir, I am from New York and I am visiting my uncle who is meeting me I'm baker's center." The police man gave Nico a hard look before letting him pass by. Nico entered the building and noticed the odd man sitting at a table eyes glued to a phone. Nico immedieatly recognized this as King Theseus with his long wavy hair and aristicratic and an outfit that wouldn't have been out of place in the 60s. Nico sat down across from him and Theseus gave him a short nod before gluing his eyes back onto his Grape phone. ( haha instead of apple I used grape) Theseus gave out a sigh before muttering about 'stupid new technology' and 'back in my days'. Nico cleared his throat and motioned foe Theseus to ackoladge him. Theseus looked up at Nico and said "welcome to Athens my boy, as my young friends told you we have quite a dilemma on our hands." Nico nodded, greatful to finnaly get the facts from a reliable source. "Well the Argonauts we a strong ans powerful troop of young men lead by the great hero Jason" Theseus began putting down the phone and faced Nico directly. "Well naturally lord hades of the underworld called us upon the living to inform us on the cumbersome lady Nyx who wished to rule over the world." Now Theseus took a tired sight as he began to explain the next part. "Well, with her grip over the arch of souls, our leader Jason had heard of the promisses that Nyx made it known that he would side with her.unfortunately for us, many were as greedy as the lord Jason and, too, wanted the new world. But many were also strong believers of king Zeus and have had many favors done for them by the gods, so there for the Argo has split." Nico's eyes widened at hearing this. Never would he have thought that the actual Argo would rise from the dead..... and have to fight some of them. Suddenly a man jumped out of nowhere and drew a sword. The man slashed at Theseus making him dodge, but giving Nico time to draw his own sword. Nico swung particularly at the man's side, skimming the rib cage earning a hiss of pain. Theseus also drew his sword and parried strait towards the mans head but the man ducked and uppercut Theseus. Making him fall to the floor. The man jabbed his sword at Nico hitting Nico in the shoulder and Nico tried to Dodge. Nico swung a punch at the man and hit him in the eye sending him stumbling backwards a bit into a ketchup stand, giving him a face full of hot sause. But the man swung himself over the table and threw a mustard bottle at nico , hitting him in the forehead. 'Ow' Nico thought as he swung once more at the man 'that hurt'. This time the strike landed its mark and struck the man threw the chest. Theseus got up and sighed "I never got use to these new fighting styles of the modern world." Theseus looked down at the man's face and sighed "this was Jared Hworrle, he was a good soldier while we was alive." Nico looked down at Jared, knowing this would be the first of many attempts.

Hooray! The story is perjasico japercico nijercy what ever you call it. For the readers who did not comment i am sorry i do not have phyci powers so your transmittion has not been received. Thank you for the votes! Did you know that I am 99.99% more likely to write if I get at least 1 or 2 votes on a new chapter within the next 48 hours

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