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Aphrodite relinquished her grip on Nico's heart, letting him fall to the ground gasping for breath. "Come on ghost boy, lets kick some monster butt." Aphrodite said as her outfit turned into a chic jumpsuit and a large bow with heart arrows. Nico glared at the scorned woman but got up and pulled a sword out of shadow. They headed the rest of the way and landed themselves in a Hibachi restaurant with a frozen yogurt store underneath it. No one was in it except a young woman in a employee's outfit. Her long glossy black curls flew as she turned her head to them, " I'm sorry, we had to close early but you are you son can come back later." Nico blushed furiously but Aphrodite seemed unfazed. In fact, she turned to the employee and smirked "actually I know exactly what I want." The employee's eyebrows rose but her skin suddenly turned palely white as her pupils seemed to swallow her eyes. "Of course, here let me help you" Nico was pinned to the wall by invisible hands while she threw a punch at Aphrodite as she ducked and kicked her in the ankle. Aphrodite nodded "Styx." Styx grinned "oh Aphrodite how I long to be the one to end you legacy." Styx clawed at her, scratching her cheek while Styx seemed to get a tint on insanity closing in on her eyes. Aphrodite took an arrow and slashed it at Styx. Styx hissed as it glazed her arm. "It's not fair that you get all the fame and glory while I have to live in the shadows!" she screeched tackling Aphrodite. The two woman wrestled while Nico could only watch. Nico felt the chilling feeling of hate rushing through his blood. This truly was a battle between love and hate. Aphrodite stabbed Styx's side with a pair of hair scissors. Golden blood leaked out of her side as Styx screamed in pain. But soon the blood turned black as it dripped to the floor. Nico felt the creation of shadows in the process. New shadows of wicked people sprang up around. All of them cackling, taking turns to scratch at Nico and Aphrodite. Aphrodite gasped heavily as she shot her arrows into the mob. Nico felt the hate piling up in the pit of his stomach. In the moment, trying to get away, Nico attempted to shadow travel away. The whole building seemed to rumble as a vacuum came around and sucked up Styx, Aphrodite, and Nico.

All was left, was a pool of black blood, Olympian blood.


Jen Laurence owned a hibachi restaurant in Athens, Ohio. Recently she had hired a new employee, Grace Sticks. She was a nice enough employee but every time Jen would walk by her she'd get the chills. Today Jen walked into her restaurant. The walls were torn, furniture broken, and blood lining the walls.


Haha I like my ending. Please vote. Supportive comments may make me want to write longer chapters.

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