Chapter 2: "Attempting Redemption"

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Somehow, with pure luck and status, Emmet had convinced Bad Cop to let Rex go. The Special and his 'vest friend' now walked through the halls of the prison.

The Ex-Villain sighed deeply, and rubbed his tired eyes. He looked at Emmet with a unique expression, one of both confusion and adoration.

"I can't believe you actually did it. You're so rad, Man. Thanks for getting me out. I owe you one."

"I didn't think I would be successful either, but he agreed to hear me out. However, your problems aren't over yet. In exchange for your freedom, you have to meet with Watevra soon. She'll ultimately decide what happens with you."

"...I'm not getting good vibes from that. I know she must think I'm terrible."

The Special smiled, "Come on. What you did wasn't that bad."

Rex showed him an annoyed look.

"Okay, maybe it was." He continued, "But I truly believe that she'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. I know you seem mean and tough and everything, but you can't fool me. At your core, you're a hero!"

"A hero? Me?"

"Why not? Just because you went through a little villain arc doesn't mean you're not capable of being a hero. You used to be the Special."

"Used to be. I'm not quite sure I've still got it." The Galaxy Defender paused, "For what it's worth, maybe I do have one regret. I've had time to think about it."


"Armamageddon. It was probably a...bit much. I'm sorry about all that and doubting Lucy. And all our friends. I thought that no one cared about me, so why should I have cared about them?"

Emmet touched his shoulder, "But they do care. You see that now, don't you?"

"...maybe I was wrong. I don't understand what happened in my timeline, but here it was different. I saw a genuine love in Lucy's eyes when she saved you."

"Now that you're here, you can experience love firsthand again. Everyone is still here. Give them another chance, and you'll see that things weren't as bad as you thought."

Rex looked down at the reflective tile underneath him. He looked at himself, and then glanced at Emmet. The differences between them were more than obvious.

He wore a negative expression, while his alternate self beamed with positivity. His steps were big, Emmet's were tiny and quick. Complete opposites, yet the same person.

"This place..." He started, "What's it called again?"

"Syspocalypstar. A combination of both worlds into one. After the whole Armamageddon thing, it was rebuilt anew. Once you get settled in, I can-!"

"Settled in? Hold on, Kid. I didn't really plan on staying. I just want to find out what's going on. Who knows if I'll even still exist after all this is over."

Emmet frowned, "Don't talk like that. Of course you'll exist. I mean, you have to. You're my friend."

"Oh, Come on. You don't want mean ol' Rex Dangervest here with you. What can I even do if I keep existing? I have doubts that a villain like me would actually fit in."

The Special shook his head, "That's not true. Everyone would love to have you here, because you're super cool! Plus, your raptors probably miss you."

Rex perked up, "My raptors? They're okay?"

The mention of his dinosaur helpers had given him a slight sense of purpose. Though he only knew them for a short time, he still developed a relationship with them.

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