Chapter 5: "Purpose"

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It was a beautiful morning in Syspocalypstar, just like any other day. The distant sounds of pop music echoed quietly throughout the city, and the birds chirped to welcome the rising son.

Like every morning since Armamageddon, Emmet Brickowski awoke from a nightmare.

He opened his eyes, and blinked, as they adjusted to the bright sunlight shining through his window. He tried to remember the incredibly harsh dream that interrupted his slumber, but he was too focused on his surroundings.

The yellow walls, and pale blue carpet were different from the apartment he and his girlfriend stayed in during their time in Apocalypseburg. It was an immediate giveaway that things had changed.

He sat up, and rubbed one of his eyes. He fixed his messy hair, and continued to stare at every detail in the bedroom. It was as he always imagined his dream room to be. The one he designed himself.

"Is this...the house I built for Lucy and I?" He questioned, "What am I doing here? I definitely remember falling asleep in our apartment."

"Hey, you're awake."

He turned, seeing Lucy exit the nearby bathroom. She was fully dressed, and ready to start the day. She adjusted her high ponytail as she stepped closer to her boyfriend.

"That's a surprise. Usually you wake up before me."

Her differences in appearance caught his gaze. She still looked like herself, but her newly revealed hair color was hard to miss.

"Your hair." Emmet paused, "What...are we doing here? I was kind of saving this house as a surprise. I didn't know you had found it. Did you move me here, or-?"

"Saving it? You're a little late, because we've been living in it, Babe." She smiled.

He was confused, "We...but what about the aliens?"

"We made peace with them. Come on, surely you remember that. We don't have to worry about anything "

"I...well...made peace?"

She leaned down, and kissed his cheek. He relaxed, finding comfort with her. He loved her. After all they had been through, of course he did. She was the perfect girlfriend for him.

His confusion was silent, but it showed on his face.

She leaned in front of him, and her smile faded. The sunlight from the window behind her framed her body, and bounced off her colorful hair.

She smelled like cotton candy, and the specks of glitter on her clothing became more obvious. Underneath her signature hoodie, she wore a bright blue sweater that added a splash of color.

She fit right in with the cozy comforts of Syspocalypstar. In the end, that's all she really wanted. To be cute, and comfortable without shame, or judgment.

"You okay?"

"...yeah." He showed her a smile, "I'm just happy that this is our life now."

She relaxed, and finally regained her smile.
"Let's change it up today. You always pick up the coffee for us, so I'll go today instead."

"Oh, you don't have to do that."

"No, I insist. I'll run off before you can stop me. I just have the urge to do something for you for a change. I really need to work on this romantic stuff. I'll even pick up croissants if you want."

"Yeah. That would be great actually."

"Alright." Lucy waved, "See you in a few minutes. It's a big city, but it shouldn't take me too long."

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