Chapter 0

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"It's alright dear, everything's alright." his mother's gentle whisper did little to soothe the hurdle that rattled his tiny heart. His mother's cold grasp only froze his hands further, dirtying them with the dried blood of her open wounds.

From behind the crack of the door, his ears detected footsteps that clicked and clacked like a scene from a horror movie. Only this was real life. The shadow casted from the light of the crack, blocked by the man that stood in front of their closet. He felt his body that had previously shook with fear stiffen beneath his mother. Taehyung heard his mother's silent cry that made the man beyond the door flinch. His mother's grasp tightened as she realised her mistake. She turned towards her son, his eyes locking at the once gentle gaze, now only bloodshot with fear.

The light blinded his eyes as the closet door opened, revealing a man with a twisted grin. Sweat dripped down his demented expression as he hovered above the mother and son.Taehyung gritted his teeth as he saw his mother being dragged up by the man, her cried deafening his ears. Instinctively he covered them, terrified of the ear piercing scream that would come next. Instead, muffled laughter thumped his heart as the sight of his mother laid on the floor beneath the man played out in front of his, his eyes unable to shut close.

Tears dripped down his face as he cried for his mother. Only to be responded by deaf's ear. Slowly the watched, unblinking, as the man ripped the hair off her scalp, blood at the edge of its tips. The man he did not recognise, yet had seen so many times met paid little attention to the young boy that sat frozen in the corner, too preoccupied with tormenting the women below him.

Tae cried louder, trying to completely block out the cries. He pushed his hands tighter and forced his eyes closed to no avail. Instead tears appeared as his eyes turned bloodshot red, unable to even blink. He screamed for his mother's comfort, for her once warm embrace as he saw her ripped apart in front of him, blood scattering her lovely purple dress.

As his screams became louder, it caught the attention of the man. He looked annoyed at the little boy that wouldn't stop screaming, blocking off the sweet sound of the woman's cries. Even if she'd lost all the will to do so. With a frustrated grunt, he slammed the woman's head to the ground and stalked over to the young boy who backed away with a look that excited him more than the woman's.

Just as he reached for the boy, the woman's soft cry stopped him. "Don't hurt him" she whispered, her terrified eyes now bloodshot with anger. Taehyung looked for his mother, a sliver of hope sliping through his eyes, only to see her body laying lifeless behind the man. His heart stopped, his chest throbbing in pain, yet he felt none. He sat still as the man approached closer. The only thought on his mind being, "Someone, help me."

"Now let's have some fun shall we?"

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