Text me when you're ready to have some fun

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Is you're boyfriend gone yet?

Yes, he left 20 minutes ago
But don't text me. If he was still here, I'd be in trouble

Well thank God he wasn't, aii?

Don't 'aii' me
If Roy was still here he'd be furious

So Rose, how is this going to work out?
Am I gonna be your side daddy?

You're not going to be anything.
I'm gonna block you and never talk to you again

Are you sure?
I can make you feel good. Make you a moaning mess, screaming my name after you release all over your fingers. Or I could leave you all hot and bothered and edge you all night long. And all of that at the tip of my finger.

Stop it

Have you never felt the urge to do something forbidden?


You sure?
Being bad can feel so good sometimes.

Not if I have a boyfriend

Well it's not like we know each other.

It's still cheating

How can it be cheating. We don't know each other. We've never met

But if it's not with Roy its cheating

Its not like I know what you look like. This could be our secret.
Our dirty little secret.

You don't understand.
Roy doesn't even want me texting other guys, yet along sexting them.

Look, Rose, I'm not going to pressure you. But I do think that we have a connection. What we did earlier felt so good and you can't deny that, right?

No, but

No but's
It's just sexting. It's virtual. We're not going to meet and little Roy never has to know about it.

It's not that easy

But it is

I can't.
I wouldn't do that to Roy

What is so special about this Roy anyway?
I bet he can't make you feel the way I did. And I only texted you. Imagine having the real thing

Stop it

Text me when you're ready to have some fun.

Don't you mean sext?

Whatever, sext me when you're done being a bitch

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