Good Girl

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I heard a knock on the door and almost sprinted towards it.

Ethan. He came back for me.

I opened the door, ready to jump into his arms. But my smile faltered. This wasn't Ethan. Instead Roy looked down at me.

I quickly wiped my tears away not wanting him to see. He hates when I cry.

"Are you still upset with me baby?" he asked while running a hand through his messy hair. He gave me his cutesey eyes and reached out for me.

I took a step back.

His eyes turned dark and he retreated his hands back to his side. He took a step towards me and into my apartment. I took another step back.

"Don't be like that babe" he closed my door and turned towards me. "I thought you'd be okay by now"

"Okay? Okay?" I asked angrily, "you left me hurt and crying"

"That's not how you talk to me", he raised his voice and took another step towards me. "you haven't even fucking greeted me yet"

"Well you just fucking left me here without aftercare"

Roy's eyes got even darker and I saw his nose flair. He took another step forward and before I could even move back he slapped me.

He slapped me. What the hell?

Before I could reach my hand up to my cheek he grabed my jaw harshly and brought my face closer to his.

"How the fuck are you talking to me bitch", he almost spat in my face while talking and grabbed my jaw even tighter. He squished my cheek which hurt it even more.

My eyes widened and I wish I could take everything I just said back. I can't say stuff like this to Roy. He'll get furious and do something stupid to me.

Ethan wouldn't treat me like this.

Yeah, Ethan will just run away and make me cry.

No, it was a one time thing. And I asked him to leave. He wanted to stay.

Yeah, but he should have-

"Are you even listening to me?" Roy interrupted my thoughts. After I didn't respond he squeezed my jaw making me gasp.

"Yes, yes of course", I whispered out through my squished lips.

"Well what did I fucking say then, huh?" he yelled in my face. He moved his hand up, raising me to my tippy toes.

I stayed quiet. He had probably said something while I was thinking about Ethan. God how stupid could I be.

Even thinking about him when I was with Roy was a dangerous game.

"That's what I fucking though" he pushed me hard and I fell onto the ground. Another jolt of pain went right through my ass and I shouted out.

"Get what you fucking deserve whore" he bent down to me and griped my neck pushing me back on the ground.

"Mhhh maybe we should take this to the bedroom", he said somewhat seductively, before spitting I'm my face, "or maybe you should tell me who the fuck you were thinking about, huh?"

He got on top of me and started pressing on the top of my throat, cutting of my air supply.

He's never done this before.

"Off" I managed to whisper while trying everything to get him off me. But he was too strong.

"Don't act like you don't like it Bitch. You're into this, you've told me"

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