Chapter 1

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Then we kissed.

"Betty POV"

While me and Jug kissed my phone started to ring "it's my mom" I said shocked "um nothing happened between us ok" "ok" Jughead said scared.

"Hey mom" "Hey betty" "me and Jellybean ran out to get some food for this week do you want anything for you lunch" she asked "uh no thank you I will be fine with what you give me" I said "ok we will be home in 1 hour at the least" "ok bye love you" I said and hung up.

I sighed in relief "Betty" I heard Jughead whisper "what?" I asked in the same soft tone "when you said um nothing happened between us do you mean you don't want to be my girlfriend?" He asked "oh Juggie, no I just meant I dont want my mom to find out about us because than I will be dead meat and god knows what she will do to me" I said "ok just checking."

30 minutes later...


Me and Jughead were cuddling in the couch when the power went out. I got up to see that we were snowed in.

"Jughead POV"

Betty jumped out of my arms making me cold after cuddling for 30 minutes, I got up following her go see that we were snowed in.

Betty gave her mom a call "hey mom the power just went out and we are snowed in" she said, I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation but when Betty hung up she had the biggest smile on her face.

"My mom just said that her and JB and are going to go to a hotel tonight because the roads are bad and they any get into the house because we're snowed in" she said excitedly.

"So your telling me that we can do whatever we want" I said "yup" she said jumping into my arms.

I gave her a peak on the lips and then put her down only to start tickling her "Jug-g s-s-stop" she giggled "no you half to say the magic words baby" "p-pl-please and- t-ha-n-nk yo-u" she said in between giggles "nope clear baby not all spaced out" I said to tease her more.

"I-I c-ant when -y-our tick-ling m-m-me" she said now really giggly "fine but only this time your getting off free princess you know why?" I asked her "why" she said bitting her lip "because I love you" He said bitting his lip back.

"Jughead POV"

I woke up to betty playing with my hair "morning baby" I said "morning" "what time is it?" I asked her "4pm" "oh so we are still snowed in" I said "yup" she said "what do you want to do princess?" I asked her "umm can we play board games" she said "yes."

Betty grabbed a bunch of board games and we played for about 2 hours.

"Hey baby you hungry?" I asked her "ya isn't it like 6" she said, I checked my phone "yup" "ok so what can we have because remember the power is out" she said "oh ya and we can't order pops because it's probably closed" "there are probably some chips in the cabinet" Betty exclaimed I grabbed the chips out of the cabinet and I came back, we ate chips for a bit.

"Betty POV"

It was starting to get dark out "Betty soon it's going to be pitch black in this house I'm going to look for some candles ok stay here" Jughead said "o-ok" I stuttered, I didn't tell Jughead I hated being alone in the dark. I hated being alone because of my dad.

I know I already told you guys that I hate telling people my problems because my dad would bully me about it (I told you guys this in Chapter 1 of feelings) but I didn't say that he used to abuse me.

He abused me when everybody went to bed and if I tried to hide I would get it harder the next day.

I remember as soon as mom left my room after saying "goodnight sweetie I love you" exactly 30 minutes after dad would come in with his belt and hit me every place on my body and if I mad a sound I would be punched.

Mom would ask me what happen to my arms and legs and I told her that I would fall all the time at school and I was fine but I wasn't fine.

My dad started hurting me when I was 5 and when my mom got a divorce when I was 14 (9 years of being hurt) I told her and she has never ever left my site unless I'm at school.

Jug leaving made me more and more scared because I thought what if he came back because he knows when I'm alone and not protected.

*15 minutes past*

I heard someone I started to scream "BETTY!!" Someone yelled "BETTY!!" Then I heard someone run to me "it's ok Betty what's wrong" it was Jug "I just sat there and cried into his arms making his shirt all wet.

After calming down I told Jug the hole story "Betty I will never ever let that bastard touch my baby again" this made me feel safe from everybody "thank you Jug" I said.

"Jughead POV"

Betty told me the story after she said "thank you Jug" we just hugged it out. We hug in silence for minutes on end, then I heard a silent but a little loud noise it sounded like a snore I looked down to see my beautiful princess asleep in my arms.

I took my candle and walked Betty up to her room I laid her down and put the covers over her body.

I kissed her head and said "I love you baby sweet dreams" I started to walk away when I heard someone say "stay" I turned around to see Betty awake telling me to come to bed with her "Betty what about your mom" I said "I don't care come to bed" with that I hopped into bed.

When I get into the bed betty snuggled into the crook of my neck and feel asleep. Before I feel asleep I thought "how did I get so lucky to have such a beautiful and amazing girl in my life."

a / n

This part is 1080 not including the a/n.

I hope you enjoyed the first part because the next one isn't coming out until 10k on Feelings.

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