Chapter 9

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{not edited}


Jughead POV

After my "date" with Toni I went home not any happier then before.

I walked through the door to find Alice drinking a coffee staring into space.

"How was your date Jughead" she said still staring into space "you know what" I yelled she looked up at me "I'm sick and tired of not knowing where Betty is where the fuck is she Alice" I yelled "Jughead" she yelled back standing up "don't use that language with me boy does it look like I'm your father because I'm not, you don't have the right to curse at me and know where my daughter is because I will never give you my blessing to take her even if I tell you where she is" I just stayed quiet "you know what no wonder why your father killed himself he couldn't stand you" then she went quiet realize what she said.

A single tear fell from Jugheads eyes but he quickly wiped it away he wasn't going down with out a fight.

"I thought you said dad was shot" I mumbled "h-he w-wa-was" she shuddered "then why did you say he killed himself" I was pissed, she did answer "I'm done Alice I'm not staying don't come looking for me because I may not even come back tell JB I love her and I will see her soon" with that I left no food, clothes no nothing.

Betty POV

Is my mom scared of me or something she bolted out of her like I was a monster. The next morning I woke up to sister Woodhouse (idk if thats how you spell it) saying "come on you have a lot of chores to get done" with that I got up and followed her.

I followed sister woodhouse to the basement and there was a lot of sand bags (idk) "move these ALL to the North East Side" "ok" I replied I wonder what Jug is doing?

Jughead POV

I don't know what to do I'm just running and I don't even know where but I keep running.

When I stop to take a break because my legs can only run so far I look to see it right in front of The Pembrook (idk if that's how you spell it? 😬.)

Isn't this Veronica house?

I question myself. I knock on the door and a short dark brown haired almost black haired girl opens the door "Jughead?!" She is shook 🤔 (lol)

"Yes it's me Veronica" I say "omg come in its pouring outside" I make my way in "why are you here?" She questioned "Betty hasn't been home for about 1 week now and her mom has something to do with her disappearance I believe" I say "WHAT?!"


Sorry guys I haven't posted in so long about a month I just finished school and now that I have all the free time in the world I will try and write more!!!!

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