Chapter 12

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Jughead POV

Today is the day we are going to break Betty out of the sisters.

"I can't wait to have my baby back into my arms" I thought

But little did I know as soon as we got there she was gone.

The sisters caught me and Veronica and now I was being picked up by Alice yay.

I hopped into the back sit to try to not inhabit a conversation but oh did I think wrong Alice wanted to know everything that crossed my mind.

Questions like "why Jughead" and "Just stop" came out her mouth like fireworks. They were loud, unexpected and annoying after awhile. I just sat there waiting for her to stop which she finally did when she pulled into the drive away.

At this point of time it was around 3AM I have School tomorrow great its already hard enough to wake up at 6.

I "fell asleep" as soon as my head hit the pillow no really I wasn't tired at all I just acted that I was asleep so Alice wouldn't bother me until tomorrow at least.

The reason I couldn't sleep was because I missed betty and was trying to figure out wear Alice could have hid her next.

*1 year later*

Betty POV

South side high is amazing I have amazing friends, a boyfriend, I'm a serpent life couldn't get better.

We just finished the school it was about 4 months into school and I was pretty happy with my life.

I walked out of the shitty ass doors of souths side high with my friend Toni, Toni gave me a tour on the first day and after that we were always close.

There he was my handsome boyfriend leaning up against his motorcycle

"Hey babe" I said putting his arms around my waist "hey" he said in his deep smexy voice. (Aha sorry) Don't be alarmed but sweet pea my cousin is my boyfriend.

"You wanna go to pops later" he asked "sure" I said.

Then we hopped on his motorcycle and drove to pops.

Jughead POV:

I have gave up on betty it's been a year. I have moved on actually, around 6 months ago a new girl joined the blue and gold he name was Lexi she was really nice and great at writing plus I need another person in the blue and gold cause it was really quiet.

Around 3 months ago I fell hard for Lexi and I guess she fell hard for me.

Today is are 2 month anniversary and I got her a promise ring but when I got to school I saw she was kissing Reggie Mantel what was I thinking no one likes me.

I walked up to her threw the box right in front of them and ran away, I looked back to see if she was coming after me but, I turn to see Reggie gave her the ring and she smiled and jumped into his arms and that broke me.

I was at pops all day but left when I saw the serpents arrived I didn't want to get into a fight with them so I just walked away.

I get "home" to Alice talking with a guy named Peter she has been having one night stands a lot and I feel bad for JB to half to hear all that, I don't hear shit cause I'm never home because I used to be at Lexis house but now I'm stuck with this hoe.

*2 days later*

Betty POV:

I was about to walk into school when everyone busts out "WHATS GOING ON?!" I scream to sweetpea "South side is closing we are moving to riverdale high now."



Sorry it's been a hot minute but riverdale is aired today ahhhhhhhhhhhhh


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