C5:The Letters

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Dear Draco 

I know we do not know each other but I would like to and I would like to meet and become friends if you would allow and are comfortable with the idea.even I you do not want to meet I am more than happy to continue writing to you 

I have learned of the trials and tribulations you have gone through the past years and I want to help weather that be a shoulder to cry on or a friend to talk to .I understand if you do not wish this but know that I will always be here to talk now or 20 years down the line 

yours sincerely                                

   bill weasley

same day  

Draco pov

I was sitting in the garden when an owl came flying towards me and landed on my leg I took the letter he was carrying and thanked him and once he flew off began to read the letter (letter above) 

I was shocked and happy when I had finished reading the letter .but I was also scared what would he think when he found out I was gay .I will write now 

Dear bill 

Im not sure what to say but I must admit that I am confused as to why you wrote but then again I also must admit I am happy you wrote .I would like to be friends with you but I must tell you something first

Im gay and I understand if you think I'm disgusting and never want to talk or write to me again.if you still want to be friends I would like to meet you tomorrow at the manor 1:30pm you  can flew or aparate to the ground just think Malfoy manor

I will wait for you tomorrow and either way will have my answer 

Fondly Draco 

bill pov

when I read the note I was excited and happy he wanted to be friends and meet me ,but I was also sad he though I would be disgusted he was gay .

I was showing up tomorrow no matter what and he will be my friend and I hope I can make him happy again

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