C10:The Morning After

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bill pov

I woke up before draco and I just lay there watching him sleep thinking of how lucky I was how beautiful he was, although he didn't see how exquisite he is I will make it a my life mission to make sure he knows he is beautiful and hopefully get him to see that.

I cast a tempos charm to see it was 9am 

I look back to draco to see him starting to wake up so I start to run my fingers through his hair and kiss his nose brows cheeks chin and lips he was awake my the time I got to his lips and kissed back which led to a heated snogging session not that I was complaing.

good morning baby I saw drawing back 

morning love  he said 

how you feeling.  I ask

perfect but a bit sore after last night. he said with a fond smile 

I looked upon him and fell even more in love with him 

your staring.  he said bringing me out of my staring 

sorry baby your too beautiful not to stare at . I say 

he blushed like mad and his face in the pillow 

I laughed and rubbed his back kissing his shoulder

don't hid that beautiful face let me see you. I say

he slowly turn to look at me  I kiss his face in tiny pecks and it makes him laugh and I was stunning

I love your laugh baby. I say

I love you .he says

he then called out for a r2 whatever that was 

a house elf appeared ah he must be r2

r2 can you bring us breakfast fruit, pancakes ,milkshakes, that sort of thing please. he asked r2

baby you didn't have to do that. I say

I know but we are going to spend the day in bed getting to know each other. he said

ok thank you . what do you want to know? I ask 

I want to know all your family in order of birth. he says

ok well mum Molly and dad Arthur.then me ,Charlie,percy,fred,george in that order Ron and ginny but I also consider harry as my brother and Hermione as a good family friend as I don't know her very well.you? I ask

there dad lucius and mum nacrissa then me  that's it .when is you birthday? he asks

my birthday is the 29th November.you? I ask

5th June . what's your job and hobbies? he asks

im a Highly skilled curse-breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank or was anyway I'm now as a trainer for gringots not dangerous and here in England with you and the rest of my family not in Egypt. my hobbies are teasing Percy and days with my family ,we will have a lot of days out to the muggle and wizarding world. I say 

you want to be an interior designer right well what hobbies do you have? I ask

yes and I love potion making having a supply for my family is very important it could save one of our life one day.but I love to go to muggle London.where do you want to go to visit on holiday pro get a house in one day. he asks

that's great baby, i would love to have a house is Ireland one day and a holiday home in New York or la maybe somewhere warm and far away.what about you? I ask

well I actually have a pent house in New York we can visit and I would love a house in lazarotte or Portugal I love it there .

the day continued like that until we fell asleep holding each other with Draco laying on top of me head in my neck and arms wrapped tightly around me possessively

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