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bill pov 

I had gotten dressed nicely and straightened up before disaperating to  to malfoy manor.as I walked to the from tdoor I looked around the  outside and I saw the most beautiful gardens I've ever seen .

the I got to the front door I knocked and as the door was opening I felt the pull again and then I saw the most beautiful wizard I have ever seen .as I stood there I smelt the most beautiful smell I have ever smelt vanilla, lavender and apples.now with the door fully open we just stood and stared at each other me in awe and Draco in shock .when I realised he was starting to cry I rushed forward and held him close I would not let my mate suffer and if he must suffer he will never be alone.

Draco pov 

I didnt expect him to show up but when I opened the door I saw the most beautiful man I have ever seen with red hair down to his shoulders bright blue eyes ,the most enticing scars on his cheek and his perfect smile .

I was in shock an when I realised he was actually there I started to cry and he saw and came rushing towards me and engulfed me in a hug I just stood there and cried while he held me and whispered comforting words to me .when I had calmed down I reluctantly drew back and wiped my eyes 

are you ok ? bill asked

yes I'm fine just happy and happy and shocked you turned up.i thought for sure you wouldn't turn up . I said whimpering slightly 

never baby never  I wouldn't and could never not turn up. said bill

thank you.   wait did you just call me baby.  I ask unsure 

em this will take some explaining we should probably sit down for it. bill said

ok the library is just down the hall it has my favourite comfy sofas.  I said

once we got to the library we both sat down and  bill turned to face me 

ok. so you might know that I'm a werewolf ,well every werewolf has a mate and I always figured that my mate had died as I never felt the pull. well two nights ago I felt the pull for the first time .

we only feel the pull when our mate is of age and is ready to mate us .and there smell will be the nicest smell you've ever smelt 

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