Back to the Prison

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 "WHAT?!" He shouts at me after I tell him to take me to Dema. "Ya deaf or what, man?! I said take me to Dema!" I say, ready to leave already.

He scoffs in disbelief. "Are you nuts? I'm not going to that place for as long as I live!" The guy starts to walk away and I follow, running kinda fast.

 "Wait!" I yell out, crashing into him because I didn't actually expect for him to stop honestly. "Sorry," we both mumble and I continue. "Look, I have to go back there. You don't understand. My family is trapped there. Nico was paying for their housing and then he started coming over to the house more often and then..." I trail off, a sob wanting to come out.

 The guy turns to look at me. "And...then...what?" he asks, gentler when he speaks this time.

I sigh. "He eventually hypnotized them into thinking that Dema, better yet Trench, was...our one and only home. We were only going to stay for a month, a freaking month! Luckily, I was little so I found a hole to crawl through out of the house and I was able to escape far enough to find the entrance out of that awful place! But that stupid bastard made the REST of them become citizens against their will basically, because they're not even in their right minds! They're still out there, hypnotized possibly beyond recognition of me anymore! I have to go back, I just have to!!!" By this time, I'm hysterically yelling at the guy, and completely grief-stricken and tears are heavily streaming down my cheeks. I collapse down on the ground, bawling my eyes out uncontrollably, so much that I'm embarrassingly hiccuping like crazy.

The guy just stares for what seems like hours gone by. Then he comes up beside me and says, "Okay fine. I swore I'd never go back there but if it's that important for you, okay I guess I will then."

I look up at him, teary eyed. "R-really? You'd really do that?" I ask, my voice trembling more than I'd like it to.

He smiles reassuringly and helps me up. "Hey, do I really even have a choice here...?" he asks jokingly, smirking.

I playfully hit his forearm and then say, "Well. I guess we should probably get a move on then. So you definitely remember where you're going, right?"

 The guy sighs. "No, I don't know which way I'm going. But...I can hear my way around..." I cock my head at this answer, but still keep walking.

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