The Vulture

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As we walk, I finally start to see some signs of civilization up ahead. "Ho there!" a man calls to us. Clancy panics. He tries to steer himself and me away but I shake him off with a dirty look and begin to walk towards the man determinedly.

"Hey. Who are you?" I ask defiantly.

The guy I'm with shoots me an extra dirty look and stays where he is, as the other man answers my question. "My name is Josh."

I nod in response as rushes over. "J-Josh?"

The man named Josh looks him over for a second, then grabs him in a hug. "Clance bro! Where you been? I haven't seen you since..." He trails off. "Hey what...what happened to you back then man? That-that wasn't you..."

I notice "Clance" clam up at first, but then he gives Josh a nervous look that basically says, "Let's not talk about that right now" and begins to walk ahead of us. I whisper to Josh, "Do I wanna know?" He just shakes his head and also starts walking behind Clance. I run to catch up and proceed to ask, "So, Josh? Is-is this Dema? I, uh, used to live there but I don't really remember it that much anymore..."

Josh's eyes widen. "Uh yeah, this is Dema. You used to live here?"

"Well yeah. I won't say I had the absolute best memories...but yeah I did." I told him all of what I had told Clance earlier on, about how my family had kidnapped and that I had escaped and now I had to go back and rescue them.

Josh winces. I can tell he knows the risk of Nico kidnapping me again, but I can't just leave my family there. I am close to crying again as I say, "Even-even if they-don't remember who I am anymore, I just have to find them. No matter what it takes..." He doesn't answer, just pats my back and keeps walking. I sigh. Either he understands or not, but at least I'm getting to Dema.

Suddenly, Clance stops ahead of us and gazes up. I start to ask, "What-" and he quickly shushes me and just points to the sky.

As Josh and I look up, we can see what looks like a black bird flying high in the sky. Its ebony wings glide as he gazes out, wistfully watching below him until our eyes meet, and he swoops down to perch next to the three of us, particularly next right next to me. I stare at him, strangely transfixed by his presence. I think Josh and Clance are stunned too, because I hear silence next to me. I snap out of it when I hear Clance yelling.

"Hey! Hey! Stop! Don't let him take you! Snap out of it! Stop it! Please!" I realize he is also shaking my shoulders as he is saying this. I quickly shake my head and stop him.

"Dude what the heck man? You trying to shake my soul out or something? Stop it already," I say, pushing him off of me.

Clance sighs. "I'm sorry, it's just-you don't understand. That bird was one of Nico's vultures. Only special people can see it, like the three of us."

I crinkle my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean? How am I...special?"

Josh and Clance exchange a look and I can tell this isn't going to be good. Clance runs a hand through his hair as he says, "Look, I-I didn't wanna tell you this, but Nico's vultures are only attracted to people who have problems. Emotional problems. PAIN."

My expression changes from confusion to a little frightened. "So all in all, him coming, what does it mean?"

Josh winces as he and Clance exchange another significant look. "It's a sign," Josh says, looking up at the sky. "Nico is nearby..."

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