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It all began with a stormy night on the outskirts of some Scotland city.

I sat alone on a dark street, soaked to the bone. Violent shivers swept through me making my teeth chatter. I couldn't even remember why I was crying. But what I did know was that I wasn't from here, I didn't have their funny accents. All I wanted to do was go home.

Of course I couldn't sit around, I had to find somebody, so that's what I did. Where even was I? People ran for shelter shoving others out of the way, hurrying to their cars or the rows of buildings that lined the sidewalks.

"Excuse me," I tried getting their attention, but I did have a bad habit of speaking quietly. What was a 7-year-old supposed to do anyways? My parents... That's right, my dad left me here. That's why I was crying, and I only started to cry more.

Daddy was a big business man who loved to party. I came about after he met Mama, I guess he couldn't handle me no more. Mama left because he was such a party animal. Now I am utterly alone.


I found my self sitting on a bench, freezing in the heavy downpour. And the chattering of my quivering jaw didn't help either. Furiously rubbing my face with soaked sleeves, I tried my best to keep the rain and tears away, but I couldn't tell them apart.

A person walked by, umbrella in one hand, the other shoved in his jeans pocket. It was my chance and I went for it. May have been slightly more pathetic.

"Excuse me, b-but my daddy left me behind, and don't know h-how to get b-b-back h-home." I tugged at his pants leg, and it worked.

He looked around, before realizing I was far below his eye level. "A wee lassy?! What are ye doin' out en the rain!?"

Shielding me from the rain above with his umbrella, he squated down to my level, "Please mister, I'm lost." I gave him puppy dog eyes to seal the deal.

He looked around, nobody looked like my parents, nor did anybody seem to be looking for a child. "Aye les' get ye out ay th' rain." And I followed behind him, my hand grasping his pants leg.

We ended up all the way at an unfamiliar house; the man's home. Now I felt a little uneasy. I got out of the tub and dried myself off and hurriedly put on my underwear, a ridiculously big shirt, and fluffy socks. I could smell something coming from down the hall and it made my stomach churn, I was very hungry.

The place was nice and cozy, filled with your typical house hold things. The man stood within the kitchen, his back turned to me. He was very tall, with long dark hair. As I watched from the threshold of the door, he moved all around the area. I could see he had very blue eyes, and a stubbly beard. Even muscles! Intimidating to say the least.

Soon he discovered my presence, 'Thaur ye ur. Hae a seat at th' table.' I couldn't understand him all that well, but I heard the words "seat" and "table". He pointed to the dining table and I struggled onto a chair, before I felt two hands lift me up and into the seat. My heart ran wild, he scared me, and I wriggled away from his large hands.

The man placed a sandwich on the plate in front of me, then sat down in his seat at the table. I eyed the sandwich for a long time. The man looked up from his meal saying "Eat up, it ainae poisoned."

I gasped in fear, eyes wide, "Poisoned?!" And I made a run for it.


"Wee lassy, please open the duir." The man pleaded. I pressed myself closer to the door, my back flushed against.

I became frustrated, I could hardly understand the way he talked "What is a du-ir?! Go away, I just wanna go home!"

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