Chapter Two

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It was late in the evening when we got back to Andrew's home. After getting the groceries from the car to the house, he fixed me a plate of chicken tenders and broccoli for dinner.

I never got a toy from the store, he said I had been good all day, but no is no when it comes to Andrew. Daddy would have bought be anything with out a care, yet why is Andrew so different?

I subconsciously let out a sigh, I hardly ate any of my food. Andrew wasn't in the kitchen or living-room. I remember him excusing himself from the table to answer his phone.

I looked everywhere for the brute, he wasn't in the backyard, it was rainy out. His room was empty of his presence as well.

"Lillian!" He called from the kitchen.

I ran back, standing in the doorway.

"Where were ye?" He asked.

'Nothing' my voice calm and quiet. It was an answer I was used to giving.

He asked me about dinner, and made me finish.

I sat on the couch, three cushions down from Andrew, wrapped in a thick throw blanket. My mind stressed over my Father and Home. I looked over, Andrew sat relaxed and focused on the TV screen. He still looked intimidating.


A loud crash of lighting scared me. I was still wrapped up in the blanket on the couch. Outside a storm brewed above, it was morning though, despite the gloomy overcast.

When did I fall asleep?

Andrew entered the room from the kitchen a stack of clothes in his hands, "Lillian, get up."

I looked over, "Huh?"

"Get dressed, we need to go to the sheriff's office quickly." He ordered, setting the stack beside of me.

I disappeared off to the bathroom and emerged dressed in my former attire. A grey cardigan, over a simple black dress. Once again Andrew helped me tie my shoes, and we left.

I wiggled with anticipation in the chair as the phone rang in my ear.

The Sheriff managed to find my Dad, and hurriedly called us over because of it.

It rang, before being answered.


'Dad! It's me, Lillian!'

... .... ..

'Daddy where are you?'


'Dad it's me!'

... . .... .. Hello?



Andrew watched my joyful smile fade into confusion and heartbreak. Something wasn't right.

The Sheriff had just got off the phone with my Father. The storm wasn't a problem, but he told me anyways as an excuse. Him and Andrew shared a glance between each other. I was in shock from the time we left to Andrew buckling me into my seat.

"Why didn't he answer?" My voice was quiet.

Andrew replied, "I didnae know, but we can come back when it isn't so rainy."

"Okay." Was all I uttered, before complete silence.

We went back to the doctors, a pediatrician this time. He brought those same papers with him. He held me up letting the nice desk lady put the paper cuff around my dominant hand. I sat beside him playing with the sleeves of my sweater. Boring to say the least.

They called my name over the intercom, Andrew stood to his feet, "Come on Lillian." He offered me his hand, but I refused.

They measured my height, "Small for a seven year old, she may just be a late bloomer."

Then my weight, "Underweight too, you aren't mistreating her are you?"

"No, Ma'am, I've taken care of her since I found her." Said Andrew truthfully.

I thought I was normal. What was this nurse goin' on about? Andrew received more papers, and we left.


I groaned, we made yet another stop.

"Don't worry, Lillian, I think you'll like this one." He wore a cheeky grin.

He helped me down from my seat. This place looked odd.

'What is this place?'

'An Ice Cream parlor.'

I grew upset, and my face scowled. "Why are we here?"

Andrew paused, "You've never had Ice cream?" He took my confused like as a yes.

Something began to sprout in the back of his mind, but he ignored it.

He picked me up so I could see all the flavours, "We're sharing, but you pick which one."

"That one!" I saw blue, and pointed at it frantically.

After we got our scoop served to us in a cup, we took a seat inside. I took a small bite.

Andrew seemed to anticipate my reaction. I smiled, "taste just like blueberries!" And he smiled too.

My smile faulted as my gaze shift to the window, "I just wish Dad, and Mama were here to try it."

Andrew threw away the trash and we left. The car rides remained bland and boring. Andrew couldn't let go of what had come from Lilly earlier.

She's never had ice cream, suspicious

She lived with her Dad, because her mum left her with him, suspicious too

His gaze shift to the mirror. Lilly was fast asleep.

Andrew quietly shut the front door, careful not to wake Lilly, and gently placed her on the couch. He brushed her bangs to the side, revealing a curiously made scar on her left brow. He thought about asking her, but maybe it was traumatic. He didn't dwell on it too long, eventually forgetting about it in the morning.

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