Old Friend

19 1 1

(Set during the first flux buddies in Panda labs)

Lalna sat at the end of his bed, his legs crossed as he stared out at the moon through the giant window. The room was dark, the only noise was the soft breathing of Nano as she slept peacefully. This wasn't the first night Lalna had stayed awake late into the night watching the moon. It used to be one of his favorite activates, but of course that was before the war. Lalna shuddered at the thought. Before the war he was happy he had all he could ask for, friends, sciences, and the moon. It rose every night to greet him and watched over him as he worked or listed to what he had to say. But when the war came it all changed. His friends were divided by battle lines, each fighting for their own survival. He had no time for the moon then. All that mattered was surviving and keeping the others in check. There never really was a winner of that war. Everyone lost something, but Lalna lost the least and that's what hurt him most. He hardly lost anything, but he destroyed so much. When it was finally over, he was left alone. No one to talk to, no one to tell his sorrow's to. But then she came. Lalna smiled to himself looking over at the sleeping shape of Nano. As if sent by the moon she fell from the sky and unlike all the others she stayed. He never deserved someone like her, though maybe she was his punishment for all he destroyed. The moon showing him that he could only hurt others and could never really be normal. Lalna's eyes wandered back to the moon. It sat in the sky watching him.

"Do I deserve her?" Lalna asked the moon "After all that I have done to my friends do I really deserve a partner like her?" The moon of course didn't respond. Lalna looked back over at Nano. He couldn't help but smile when he looked at her. "Well old friend if she is my punishment, I spouse she's doing her job" Not a day would pass without him feeling a pain of guilt for the purple flux that covered her. But even after all that he'd done to her she stayed by his side. Lalna sighed, trying to push the sad thoughts from his head. He slowly stood and walked over to stand next to Nano. Her face showed no emotion as she slept. Even then Lalna thought she was beautiful. Lalna carefully placed his hand on her shoulder, feeling it rise and fall with her breath.

"Sleep tight my love" he whispered. He turned returning to his bed and crawled under the covers. Before he closed his eyes and let himself get lost in the darkness of sleep, he looked out to the moon. "Goodnight my friend" He said smiling softly, and with this he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Even if Nano was a punishment for all he had done, he was happy to bear the pain. She was worth every seconded of it.

<->So, what do you think of my first one shot? It's short but I have longer ones planed for the future. This was just something small so that I could get used to writing in this style. Anyway, I will have the next one shot out by next Sunday and thank you so much for reading. <->

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