Dark Nightmares

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<>Sorry for the short chapter, I've been pretty busy though I'm planing on getting back into my routine so expect more stories in future.<>

I was worried for Nano. Recently she hasn't been getting much sleep. Though from what I have over heard its not really a surprise. From my corner of the bedroom I can hear them, the nightmares the she must fight every night. It starts at midnight every night, like clockwork. It starts of small but grows quickly till she finally sits up, gasping for air. Then when she's sure the world is as it was when she drifted of, she lays back down ether to repeat the cycle once again or to cry silently. Nightmares aren't a new event for her, though they've never happened as often as now. It used to be one every mouth or so and now it's one every night. Its not good for her health or mine. I already worry enough. Maybe tonight I should try to comfort her. Though shell probably just push me away like she often does, its worth a shot.

Nanos POV

Every night it was the same dream. It started with darkness then come the voices. Creeping through the darkness, calling out to me. Tempting me to do horrible things. Then they appeared, all the failed clones from the lab, floating in rows around me. Crying out to me to help them. Then the voices changed to one voice. His voice. Lalnable would step from the darkness, at first, he speaks like Lalna, with a kind calm voice. But when I came closer to him to shield myself from the clones, his voice turned harsh, his eyes went red and he grabbed me by the throat and lifted me of the ground with ease. Then he said the last words that I heard before I was shot back to reality. It was the same tonight. Lalnable lifted me of the ground with ease holding me at arm's length, his eyes blood red his mouth pulled into a madding smile.

"Open your eyes Nano" He whispered, "She all that you have destroyed, all the harm you have caused" His smile grow even madder as he pulled me closer and whispered into my ear "Wake up and join us little monster"

My eyes shot open someone was shaking me lightly. Lalnable stood over me shaking me, in panic I struck out at him punching him in the face. Lalnable stumbled backward and fell to the ground.

"Nano!" he yelled from the ground. I froze, it wasn't Lalnable it was Lalna. I looked down at my hand. I must have hit his nose hard; my knuckles had a small layer of wet blood on them. I stared at the blood dripping down my knuckles slowly. I felt my eyes well up with tears as I released what I had down. I had hurt Lalna. Caused him harm, made him bleed.

"Nano" Lalna's voice whispered next to me. I looked up to see him standing next to my bed. He had one hand covering his nose and I could see it was bleeding.

"Lalna, Im so sorry I didn't mean to its just" Lalna silenced me by lightly pressing his finger to my lips.

"Nano, its fine." He gently moved his hand to brush away the few tears that were falling down his face. "I'm surprised you can hit that hard" He said chuckling as he sat down next to me. We stayed silent for a moment; I couldn't do anything but cry. I was becoming what Lalnable wanted me to be.

"Come her" Lalna pulled me closer to him wrappinghis free arm around my shoulder as he continued to try to stop his nosebleeding. It was being to slow a bit. We sat there together for awhile longer.When Lalna's nose stopped bleeding, he moved to get up. I gridded his hand,giving him a pleading look. He understood and state back down, leaning backagainst the headboard of the bed. I laid my head on his lap still looking atthe now dried blood on my hand. Lalna most of noticed because he reached downand toke my hand in his. Hiding the blood from my view. With the blood out of viewI fell into a steady sleep. As I did, I heard Lalna softly whisper. "Its goingto be alright Nano, I'm always her for you"

<> Well that was fun to write. I've been looking forward to trying to write Lalnable and from my experience with this I think I'm going to have some fun with him. Anyway Ill be posting a new story next Saturday/Sunday so see you then<>

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