Late Night Noodles

9 1 0

Domestic AU

I leaned back in my chair scanning over the document I had just finished writing. One hundred notes turned into a three-page report on the last experiment. I checked the clock 10:30 pm. I usually would have headed home at 9 but I need to finish this paper for Lewis. I returned my eyes back to the document as I thought about my options for heading home. It would take me five minutes to get out of Yoglabs, if I token into account informing Lewis that I had finished the test overview. After that it was a ten-minute walk back to my apartment. I saved the final changes to the document and closed it, turning off my computer as I stood. I retrieved my bag from under my desk and headed out the door of my office, locking the door as I left. My mind drifted away from my tiredness to my empty stomach that had been grumbling since 8. At home I didn't have anything that sounded particularly appetizing. I decided I didn't want to stop to shop and any store within a few miles would be closed by the time I got to them. I stopped at the large door of Lewis's office. Pushing the thoughts of food to the back of my mind I knocked twice and waited for the familiar voice to call me in. After a few seconds I got the acknowledgment I was waiting for and stepped through the door. Lewis sat behind his large desk, his eyes where tired as he looked up at me and gave me a kind smile.

"You heading home?" He asked his voice weary and heavy

"Yeah" I said, "I finished the paper by the way." His smile grew slightly.

"Great" he responded his voice had lifted a bit at hearing the good news.

"Ill be heading home if that's alright with you" I said

"Go ahead" He responded returning his eyes to his computer screen.

"See you tomorrow" I said as I turned and walked out the door.

"See you tomorrow" Lewis called in return.

I continued down the hall my mind returning to my quest for actual food. I would have to stop on my way home if I wanted to eat actual food, I decided. I finally made it to the lobby and stepped outside. The cold night air bit at my neck as the rain pored down on my back. I pulled my lab coat closer as I began to walk towards home. As I walked, I scanned the street looking for any places that sold food that was still open. Most were closed by now but out of the corner of my eye I saw a bright red light coming from across the street. Across the street from me was a small two story building the first level was painted a dark red. Red lanterns hung on the outside and a large glowing gold signed read Nano's Noodle Bar. A large window raveled a small room full of tables.

"Its my best option" I muttered to myself as I crossed the street and made my way to the door. The jingle of bells announced my arrival as I stepped through the door. The small room was full of tables but on one side the floor had been raised and a small kitchen had been set up. The only other customers were a couple who looked at me suspiciously before returning to their meal and each other's company.

"Welcome" I voice called to me. I turned to see a short woman around my age. She was standing on the raised platform of the kitchen. Eyeing me curiously. Her long black hair fell to her waist and she had a pair of red flowers resting just above her ears. She wore a chef's coat and had rolled up the sleeves.

"I don't think I've seen you around before" She said giving me a friendly smile "Well go sit down and Ill come over to get your order in a bit" she waved her had in the direction of the tables before I could respond and returned to the kitchen. I choose a small table in the corner and scanned over the menu before deciding on a bowl of noodles. It was a noodle bar after all. Not long after I set my menu down the woman from earlier walked over.

"So, what can I get you?" She asked holding a small clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other.

"I'll have a order of Kitsune Udon"

"Nothing to drink?" She asked

"Just water" She raised her head from her clipboard and looked at me with a smug smile.

"You look like you could use a drink" she said

"I usually do" I responded giving her a smile she chuckled softly

"Alright fine, I'll be back shortly" She turned and return to the kitchen.

I smiled to myself as I watched her go. She was quite attractive. Though she was probably just playing nice so I would come back again. I started to loss myself in thought. I never thought about actually dating. Ever since I discovered science the idea had been unappealing. I didn't have time to maintain a friendship outside of work let alone a relationship. My eyes wandered as I thought. The couple was preparing to leave still deep in conversation. Maybe one day I would fall in love. Probably not. I closed my eyes and returned my mind to the real world, thinking over the results of the most recent tests back at the lab. Though it wasn't long before my thoughts were disturbed. I felt something bump my legs which were crossed under the table. I opened my eyes and almost fell out of my chair in surprise. Sitting across from me was the woman. She had a bowl of noodles in front of her and her chopsticks were resting against the edge of the bowl. She was giving me a amused smile.

"Day dreaming?" she asked

"Are you always this forward with your customers?" I asked noticing that she had also brought my noodles with her

"Only the cute ones" she said digging into her noodles. I looked up from my noodles giving her a questioning look. She returned a friendly grin and laughed a bit.

"What, has no one flirted with you before?"

"Never so bluntly" I responded a small grin growing across my face. I liked her, for some reason. She had returned to her bowl of noodles. I spent the next hour there. We talked like friends that had known each other for years, I learned her name was Kim and she ran the noodle bar on her own. I told her about my work, and she questioned if I had ever had a girlfriend with my work ethic. We shared jokes and laughs and when I finally checked my watch, I noticed that it had been around an hour.

"I should be getting home, sadly" I said

"Sadly?" She said giving me a cruise look and an amused smile.

"Shut up" I said returning her smile "How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing" she said standing up and collecting my bowl "Just come back again"

"Why" I asked

She looked up and gave me a mischievous smile "Reasons" She said with a wink

"Alright, guess Ill be seeing you soon" I said pulling my lab coat back on.

"I look forward to it" She responded "Now shoo" she said giving me a amused smile.

"Alright, alright I'm going" I said heading for the door. As I stepped out into the cold evening, I noticed the rain had stopped and the sky was quiet clear. I smiled as I began to walk in the direction of home. The stars were beautiful tonight. If I hadn't visited the noodle bar Id probably think they were the most beautiful thing in this city. Unfortunately, they had been easily surpassed that stood about half the height of everyone else. I chuckled to myself, maybe I could make time for someone else.

<>Damn that took a while. Anyway, sorry for being so late, school has been hectic but I'm trying to make time. I have to say though I'm glad I wrote this I really like it. I'm think about turning this into its own book thing because I like the setting. Let me know what you think. Have a good evening ladies and gents.

P.S. I used there real names cause it sounds more natural in a domestic setting. 

- SirFerret

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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