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"I think, probably almost two years, we do not meet, isn't it?"

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"I think, probably almost two years, we do not meet, isn't it?"

Thyia terus memulakan perbualan sama Shine sebaik saja dia selesai oder makanan.

Shine just angguk kepala saja.

Shine just angguk kepala saja

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"How are you?"

Cis! Menyampah betul saya tingu Thyia acah acah mesra sama Shine.

"As you can see. I'm good. Very very good. And, how about you?"Shine jawab lalu senyum manis sama Thyia. Tapi, disebalik senyuman semanis gula Shine tu banyak maksud tersirat.

"I'm quite good.. hihi"Thyia tertawa kecil lalu spontan saja dia pukul lengan saya.

Saya tingu ketat terus Shine punya muka. It was clearly she was jealous. Sapa suruh dia tapuji mau juga mempelawa Thyia duduk bersama sama.

"So, how's your relationship with Mr Rien?"

Terus saya kuis kuis kaki Shine. Bukannya Shine nda tau, Thyia lama suda nda ada apa apa hubungan dengan Mr Rien. Tapi, Shine pigi tendang kaki saya kuat kuat. Saya hanya mampu mengetap bibir sambil mengaduh dalam hati 'Awwwuuu! Sakitnya...'

"Owh.. We already broke up."mendatar saja suara Thyia saya dengar.

I knew their relationship had broken up. But honestly, deep inside my heart, I'm wondering how she could get away easily from Mr Rien? Most likely, she may have to pay all the money that she had taken. Well, her dad was a very wealthy individual. But if her father a very wealthy individuals.

Why she wants to took the money from Mr Rien?

Could it be because of a grudge?

Damn! She is a very mystery.

"Yeah, right, right.. I'm truly sorry, Thyia. I really forgot that you're not with him anymore."Shine terus acting depan Thyia yang dia merasa bersalah sebab tanya pasal hubungan dia dengan Mr Rien

"It's okey"Thyia bilang lalu senyum tawar

"You must be lonely, right?"Shine bilang pandang Thyia sinis.

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