chapter four ;

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I was on my way to school because I had this cleaning duty that everyone each take turns on so I need to hurry up before they all start to come.

I took the bus as normal and just continued to do what I normally do every school morning.

Of course I wasn't expecting other people in my school since it was too early.

Entering the school building, I made my way to the classroom to start my duty.

The whole entire time, I had my hands shoved into my pockets.

However, what I didn't seem to expect was a faint music sound coming from the classroom which seemed to get louder and clearer as I walk closer.

Who could possibly be here at this hour, playing piano?

It was basically my thought throughout the whole way.

That was when I slammed the door open and the figure who was in front of the piano turned around to see who it was after making a loud noise at the door.

What gave me a shock was that it wasn't who I was expecting at all.

As our eyes both met, I could finally have this chance to see his beautiful features again.

How I missed them so much.

The whole room was awkward and none of us spoke a word one bit.

Because there was literally nothing going on and time was ticking, I decided to open my mouth and speak.


But I was cut off when he stood up and spoke in a cold manner I've never heard before.

"I-I was just checking out the piano and decided to see if it was broken but now that it works, I'll leave now." He said as he was walking past me to leave the room.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, stopping him in the arm.

Instead of him being himself by stopping and allowing me to grab onto his arm, he forcefully shove my arm away with his and continued walking.

"I've cleaned a bit so you can just finish the rest." Hyunjin turned left and kept walking.

That's when it hit me, it was both me and Hyunjin's turn to clean.

I immediately followed after him. "Hyunjin wait! I want to talk to you!" 

He unexpectedly stopped, I thought he would just ignore me and keep walking as if I wasn't there in the first place.

But I guess I got my hopes way up because he didn't turn around to walk back.

The conversation was soon to an end when he slightly turned his head. "There's nothing to talk about, goodbye Changbin hyung." He turned his head back to the front and walked away.

There were so many things I wanted to say but the thing I want him to know was that he should be confident in himself more, his playing was amazing that it gave me the feels. I want to tell him that and let him know that he is good in a lot of things.

Knowing Hyunjin for a long time, he had told me that he wasn't good at anything and yet even compared him to other people but I could tell that he, himself, was also the same level as them.

And I'm sure others would say the same thing as well.

All Hyunjin needs is confidence.

I want to help him realise that but I don't know how. He would just avoid me at any cost.

I want to know why he's been avoiding me lately and what I could do to fix it.

After all, I don't want the connection we both have to go away.

Since I love him too much.

To let go.

A/N: This is unexpected right? 😏 You all thought that Changbin doesn't feel the same way? Huhu ;)) This is just the beginning ksksks-

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