chapter twelve ;

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It didn't take them long enough until they walked inside, Hyunjin just following Seungmin in.

'I wonder what they were talking about..' I thought to myself. I didn't know why but Hyunjin looked as if he was distracted, what happened when I left them?

Worried thoughts wouldn't fade away no matter how hard I tried to shake it off, it would just keep increasing by every second.

He was just staring off at the distance, something is definitely bothering him but I can't tell what it is. I'll need to ask him afterwards.

"Hey Jinnie." I gave the younger a warm smile the moment he sat next to me.

"Hi hyung." He smiled at me and instantly laid his head on top of my shoulders. He sighed and kept me close; there was clearly something wrong.

I know Hyunjin well, he wasn't usually this clingy unless there was something wrong and just by looking at his facial expressions and action, I didn't have trouble spotting it out.

But I desperately wanted to ask him even though I couldn't right now, especially not in front of everyone. It seemed like a bad timing if I were to do it.

I'll just have to wait.

"So, what should we do?" Jaemin started off when he saw that everyone had assembled.

"Bunch of you can decide yourselves, I need to sort out the papers." The class rep replied and immediately got up.

"Oh come on, don't be stingy Seungmin. Just join us for a game." Felix looked up to smile at Seungmin.

He groaned one last time before caving in, sitting back down next to Felix with his arms folded. "Better hurry up then." His eyes were stern.

Jaemin nodded, thinking to himself. "Hmm, what about truth or dare?"

Everyone thought for a moment before agreeing as Seungmin didn't care about anything, he just wanted to get it over with already.

'Has he always been this sophisticated?' I raised my eyebrows towards the class rep.

"Okay, everyone has agreed to it!" Jaemin smiled and looked around the room before turning his attention to everyone. "Does anyone have a bottle to spin with?"

"Oh! I have one." Jeno answered in delight and took his plastic water bottle out, placing it in the middle.

"Thanks, okay, let's begin!" He said and didn't hesitate to spin the bottle.

I didn't know why I was nervous all of a sudden, I just hope it wasn't me. Everyone in the room looked anxious as well, apart from Seungmin obviously which wasn't surprising.

The bottle finally stopped as everyone followed the direction to which it pointed at Seungmin. I sighed in relief to see that it wasn't me.

"Seungmin, it's you! Truth or dare?" Jaemin exclaimed and instantly shifted his head to the other.

"Dare." He challenged without feeling nervous at all. It was expected of him anyways.

"Anyone got a dare from him?" Jaemin proposed while looking around each person for ideas.

"What about this... I dare you to stop being moody." Felix suggested with a satisfied smug.

"This is a childish game, I'm leaving." Seungmin soon got up, about to leave the room.

"Come on Seungmin!" Others called out when he was walking towards the door.

"Are you sure you're gonna drop out? You're gonna seem like a quitter if you do that." I purposely provoked, all eyes turning on me.

"C-Changbin hyung!" Jeongin worriedly cried out, unsure whether or not this was a good idea to say that.

Hyunjin looked up from my shoulder to give me a shocked expression to which I smiled back at him. His eyes were glittering in the sunlight as they stared right into mine.

Seungmin stopped walking to turn around, his eyes staring hard at me. My attention soon turned from Hyunjin to the class rep.

I wasn't afraid of him anymore, instead, I just smiled at him. The younger said nothing and continued to look at me weirdly.

If this is wouldn't get him to stay in the game then I don't know what. I know I'm the first person to say that to him so I wasn't surprised when everyone looked at me in shock.

Then he raised his eyebrow and sighed, finally walking over back to the circle. I smiled at the way it worked and I'm pretty sure everyone was puzzled yet astounished to see it.

"I'll do it." Was the only thing he said before he kept quiet.

"Okay!" Jaemin nodded and spun the bottle again, this time, it landed on me. 'Oh shit.'

The turn I've never been looking forward to. "Changbin hyung, truth or dare?" Jaemin smiled to me.

"Truth." I responded, avoiding the dare as possible.

Seungmin scoffed and looked away, everyone's attention soon on him. The class rep immediately noticed and smiled 'happily' after remembering the dare.

"Is it true that you can't sleep without your Munchlax plush toy?" Jeno smirked and looked at me. My cheeks instantly flustered at my secret being revealed.

"Wait really?" Felix gasped before laying his eyes on me, everyone doing the same.

"I-..." I started off in embarrassment when I was cut off by Hyunjin.

"And what's wrong with that? A lot of people sleep with toys, it's not weird in fact... it's cute..." He defended, his cheeks now blushing.

Jeno was immediately taken aback and instantly apologised to me. "I'm sorry..."

But nevertheless I smiled back at him. "It's fine and yeah it's true." I awkwardly responded. Now everyone knows...

Jaemin nodded and smiled towards me. "You don't need to feel bad about it, we're all different after all."

"Yeah..." I smiled back to Jaemin.

He then spun the bottle once again, everyone's eyes were on it when it finally stopped again - it was no one other than Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin, truth or dare?" All pairs of eyes were now on him as he looked around the room shyly. I could immediately tell he was feeling uncomfortable with the fact that everyone's attention were on him next.

"U-Uh... truth?" He replied while giving me a wide smile. He was looking much cuter than before; I knew that I couldn't help but not take my eyes off him as I could finally see the eyesmile I had missed so much.

I'm just so glad to have him back.

"Do you like someone in this room?" Seungmin asked boldly, staring cautiously at the male who was then blushing like mad.

His expression had quickly changed from being happy to being flustered. I watched how Hyunjin's eyes looked suspiciously at Seungmin.

"Y-Yeah...." The moment he answered, everyone in the room started cheering.

"Who?!" Jaemin excitedly exclaimed, hoping that he would say it out loud.

But instead he looked embarrassingly at the floor. "I'm not gonna say..." He muttered causing everyone to moan.

He would briefly be glancing over to my direction shyly to which I smiled innocently back at him. He would smile back at me cutely before looking back at the floor.

"Damn it, I wanted to know." Felix sulked and leaned back.

"I thought he would spill the tea." Jeno continued and pouted along with Felix.

However, the eye contact I saw earlier between him and Seungmin though...

Does... he, perhaps like Seungmin...?

A/N: Well, well well 👀 Apologise for the late update btw! 💕

love me back ; changjinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora