5 | joshler [tøp]

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Josh is still sort of out of breath as he slumps back in his seat, grinning crookedly and waving towards the audience as their cheers slowly die down.

"That's gonna be a tough act to follow," the host says, and Josh doesn't wanna pat himself on the back, or anything, but he's right. He'd done good. Tyler had gone first, and he'd done a pretty incredible My Chemical Romance rendition, and Josh'll be the first to admit, he had kinda been worried. He hadn't been sure if he'd be able to compete with him, or if Tyler had really just won, then and there, but he's pretty sure he had just pulled through with his own, pretty amazing rendition of Rick Springfield.

Honestly, he's pretty proud of himself. He thinks he might actually have a chance at winning.

"Do you think you're up for it?" The host asks Tyler, who's standing on stage next to him in baggy sweatpants and a wife beater and a snapback Josh is, like, eighty percent sure Tyler must've borrowed from him.

"I think I'm up for it," he says, and he glances over at Josh as he says it. Josh has his doubts, honestly — his version of Jesse's Girl had been pretty fucking fantastic, if he does say so himself — but he doesn't really know what Tyler's hiding up his sleeve, and realistically, it could be anything.

Tyler's always been a competitive sort of person, and when they had been asked to compete on Lip Sync Battle, Tyler versus Josh, he had taken it really, very seriously. He hadn't told Josh which songs he had picked, he had banned him from wherever he had been rehearsing, and when they had arrived at the studio, he had totally disappeared and Josh hadn't seen him until they'd walked out on stage together. Even then, they'd barely had time to smile and introduce themselves before it had come time for Tyler to perform first and he'd disappeared again.

He'd kinda come outta left field with his My Chemical Romance cover, and Josh had been almost as surprised as he had been impressed. Really, Tyler's next song could be anything. Not that Josh is particularly worried or anything, 'cause he isn't, but he'll admit that he's curious. Tyler's in a snapback, and even after watching Josh's amazing performance, he's confident, and Josh is really, honestly, incredibly curious.

"Alright," the host says, nodding, "alright."

Tyler flashes a smirk in Josh's direction, and, alright, maybe he's also the tiniest bit worried.

"I trust you," the host continues as he nods again. "The stage is yours. Take it away."

Tyler nods, and the host claps him once on the shoulder before crossing the stage to heave himself down into the chair next to Josh's. Tyler smirks again before he starts to shake himself out, and Josh swears that he can see Tyler wink in his direction before all the stage lights are suddenly switched off. The stage is left in almost complete darkness, and, alright, Josh is worried.

The lights stay out for a moment, two, before a single spotlight flickers on over centre stage. The light slants down around Tyler, who's straddling a folding chair, head bowed, back to the audience. Josh doesn't really know what to think, until Tyler slowly lifts his head, and the opening chords of his song start to play, loud and low.

It's Pony by Ginuwine. Naturally.

"Oh, God," Josh says aloud. The host laughs loudly next to him, and the audience immediately starts to cheer, as Tyler turns his snapback on backwards and starts to roll his hips in time with the bass.

"Oh, God," Josh says again.

He can actually feel his throat tighten as he watches Tyler grind against the chair, gripping the back with both hands as he rolls his body in time with the music. The audience cheers, as the host laughs again, and Josh makes a weak attempt at picking his jaw up off the floor before the lyrics start and Tyler swings around to face the crowd.

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