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I fell in love with a boy named Sunday.

Or, was it that he fell in love with me.

And, he only loved me on Sundays,

Loved to watch our love bleed.

He said he would be Adam--I Eve.

But, this time he wouldn't eat the apple.

He wanted me.

Sunday only made me pray.

Pray all day, make him stay

Because it would be another week away

For us to see another day.

When it was Sunday,

Sunday rinsed and repeated.

I'd spend all day holding the apple

While he'd eat something heated.

He'd say "Pray" just before he'd swallow.

He only said I love you in the dark hells of the night

Just before sunrise

When he would rest from his feast of me.

Every night was the last supper,

The bed the table,

That's when he would call me "Abel."

Then it would be the next Sunday.

And, just before he would leave

Before Monday

He would say,

"ISRAEL, my boy, my man, my apple.

I will come to thee my holy trinity

Because I love thee and thy love me

Afterall...It's Sunday."

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