Chapter Two

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Ozpin looked out of the window of his office.
He always admired the view and enjoyed seeing the sunset from here.
He sighed knowing the peace will never last long.
He knew something was coming and his time as headmaster was running out.

Then Qrow busted the door open.


Qrow than stopped to take a drink from his flask.

Ironwood sighed at the drunk.

Winter walked in.
"I'm sorry about the entrance Qrow made."

"Your Sorry that you walked in with me, ice queen. I'm not sorry for what I did."

Winter had her hand clench into a fist, but she calmed her self down.

Qrow smirked and drank some more from his flask.

Ironwood had a hand rub against his forehead as he let out a sigh annoyed at how immature Qrow was.

"What did you want to speak to us about to us?"
Winter finally said.

Ironwood looked at the two.
"Ozpin assigned you two for a mission which you have to work together. You both need to learn to work together and not fight all of the time. Put your differences aside and work together."

Winter looked at him.
"But Sir-"

"Winter I stand by what Ozpin has said. This is an order you must follow..."

"Yes Sir."
Winter said as she looked at the ground and looked back up.

Qrow looked at Ozpin.
"You can't send me with her."

"Sorry, But this is the way it has to be Qrow. I'm not changing my decision. I have more important things to worry about then you two fighting. You two are on the same side so act like it."
Ozpin said as he looked at Qrow with a serious face.

Qrow sighs and drinks some more alcohol as he thought that Winter was going t one the death of him.

Winter listened to them as she sighed not wanting to deal with the drunk or be near him.

"An airship will be ready for you two by 10 am tomorrow morning. It will leave at 10:30. So don't be late."
Ozpin said as he looked at Qrow.

"Fine. Whatever."

Winter nods.

The two both walked out their separate ways not knowing that they would be in love one day.

Author's Note

It's good enough so yeah.
Break next week because Music thing and I will be distracted.


(Discontinued) How Do I Live? Qrow x Winter Where stories live. Discover now