Chapter 7

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Makoto's POV
"So, Makoto, Goro, did you get any info from Etsuko San?" Haruko asks at the beginning of the council meeting.
"Some... but nothing particularly useful," I sigh, placing my head on the table, a wave of exhaustion hitting me.
"There was an investigation at the school. All the staff and many of the students were questions, no main suspects though," Goro explains.
"That doesn't help... especially considering the fact we're pretty sure that Mai's killer is a teacher here," Izu groans. "Can we not do this investigation? We're not detectives and it requires too much effort?"
"Do you really want a student here to die?" Haruko questions.
"Heh... well it depends on who gets killed. Personally, I'm hoping it's Tartoto who gets killed."
"As much as I agree, we're not allowed to say things like that, even if we were, we shouldn't," I mutter.

Suddenly, the door flies open, cutting me off before I can say anymore and startling me so much that I immediately sit up.
"Th-there's a huge fight outside... I-I couldn't find any teachers fast enough so I came here," a student pants, standing in the doorway.
"A fight?!" Goro asks standing up. I get up along with him and so does Izu, soon the three of us are following the pupil to the courtyard, where two boys are engaging in a fight. The crowd is a mixed of scared and excited students, some cheering, some screaming as the two in the centre attack one another.

We push to the front of the crowd to get a better view, telling students to leave the area in the process. Some listen, but most don't. The majority of them being too intrigued in the fight that's taking place.

"What is the meaning of this?" Goro yells when we finally get past the crowd.
"None of your business Mr Perfect. This is between me and him," One of the boys groans.
"I'll have you know, it is our business, you know what our job is, so if you want to avoid a severe punishment stop your meaningless bickering right now," I order, surprising even myself with how loud and strict I spoke.
"What was that?" The other snaps.

And immediately any confidence that I thought I had completely dissipates. I know perfectly well that I would be unable to defend myself from someone like this.

"Well, I um..." I mutter as he approaches me.
"Oh? What, are you scared? C'mon Nariko Senpai, after that performance I'd thought you'd at least have the guts to answer my question." The crowd goes silent as the two boys begin to approach me. God, I'm such an idiot! I should've kept my mouth shut; the only good thing that came from me raising my voice is the fact that they aren't fighting anymore, but now they're after me, and I'm far too weak to defend myself.

"Now make your decision. Stay silent and be beaten to a pulp in front of the entire school or... repeat what you said, loud and clear, and depending on what it is, I might go easy on you," He grimaces. There's not much point, I'll be beaten up either way. And even if I wanted to speak, I can't, my throat's gone dry and I'm beginning to panic, which will make anything I say a stuttering mess.
"Silence it is then." Before I can react, he places his hand on my shoulder, sending a chill down my spine. "You're gonna regret this, Nariko Senpai."

Without hesitation, Goro grabs the boys arm and tugs him towards him, staring him down. Out of the corner of my eye, I see that Izu has apprehended the other one.
"Now, now, that's no way to treat not only an upperclassman, but the student council Vice President as well. You were already likely to be suspended for your actions but I might just mention in my report to the principal that you attempted to injure another student who was simply doing her job by stopping a fight," Goro says to him, still staring and with a sinister smile on his face. His vibrant blue eyes appear less charming and more frightening than usual.

After finally being able to clear the students away, we lead the two boys to the principal. Goro is left to explain the situation and we leave the Principal's office soon after to allow him to chose and suitable punishment.

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